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Hi helpdesk aint helping

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medal 5000
12 years 29 days ago
good evening this is Ronald Kasteel why is it that i am not getting anny help when asking for help whit ticket to the helpdesk maybe this will help ....
pls help i need an answer .

medal 5165
12 years 29 days ago (edited 12 years 29 days ago)
We (us forumers) don't know your question, therefore we can't answer it for you.

Clarification for low-end intellectual users of this game: I am referring to his request on the helpdesk, I'm assuming it's a question rather than an issue that is effecting his gameplay. Unlike a typical human, I don't always expect a problem when the Helpdesk is used. Helpdesk is also there for answering queries about the game that cannot be answered by the playerbase on the forum.

In future people, instead of flamebaiting someone requesting more information from the original poster, try and be productive and assist him.

I'm going to try to answer to the best of my knowledge why the Helpdesk hasn't responded. There is many possibilities like, his ticket may be low priority due to other issues by other players, such as Races crashing etc. There is not alot of people on the moderation side of the game. My ticket took couple of days to be answered. If you want help, you must be patient or try and resolve it yourself if you can.

In a nutshell, do not flamebait someone for asking a different question to the one you are thinking. Ethan I would advise you remove that message mate cause to this new player, it looks disrespectful and doesn't seem accepting to others who come onto this forum. Majority of the players in this game are adults and wanted to be treated with respect, and I assume you do aswell. So talk to people how you want to be spoken to.
medal 5000
12 years 29 days ago
WOW David you are more stupid than I thought. LOL.

He is simply asking why the helpdesk is being rubbish at responding to people like us who actually require help. Surely the helpdesk so be doing their job. But I've a mate that has had money taken out of his account by iGP yet his Subscription seems to have stopped, yet helpdesk aren't doing their job to fix the problem. 

So in his situation, iGP have taken money from him and he hasn't recieved any service. Great job iGP, great job.
medal 5000
12 years 29 days ago
good evening this is Ronald Kasteel why is it that i am not getting anny help when asking for help whit ticket to the helpdesk maybe this will help ....

pls help i need an answer .

The question is there David..

I would like to help Ronald, but I am in the same situation and It's going to cost me 2 races... (That I have paid for) and nothing seems to be sorted out or being sorted out tbh..

18 hrs was my last reply message to the help desk and I have had nothing back...

I have a race in less than 2hrs and it is looking like I'll be on the Free to Play live timings... Not a fekking chance am I sitting there watching crappy times go up and down for no reason.. esp when I have paid the money and it's gone out of my account... 2 days ago.
medal 5165
12 years 29 days ago
I'm referring to his question on the Helpdesk, not to the forum post. Ethan refrain from calling me stupid please. Should I call you stupid for misinterpeting my post?
medal 5000
12 years 29 days ago
Administrator 1 days ago

Hello Rob,

I apologize for the delay in response.
I only work the helpdesk on a part time basis and I have been flat out at my primary job.
I am looking into what happened with your payment and I will let you know as soon as I have something for you.

This is my response from over 24hrs ago.
medal 5000
12 years 28 days ago
I'll just confirm what Aaron said in Rob's quote:  We don't man the helpdesk (or the forum) 24/7.  We just don't have enough staff yet.  We are gradually working in this direction though.  Some issues take a fair bit of time to investigate too.  We should at least give you confirmation that we are on the case though.  My apologies if you don't get this in a timely manner.
medal 5000
12 years 28 days ago
We (us forumers) don't know your question, therefore we can't answer it for you.

Clarification for low-end intellectual users of this game: I am referring to his request on the helpdesk, I'm assuming it's a question rather than an issue that is effecting his gameplay. Unlike a typical human, I don't always expect a problem when the Helpdesk is used. Helpdesk is also there for answering queries about the game that cannot be answered by the playerbase on the forum.

In future people, instead of flamebaiting someone requesting more information from the original poster, try and be productive and assist him.

I'm going to try to answer to the best of my knowledge why the Helpdesk hasn't responded. There is many possibilities like, his ticket may be low priority due to other issues by other players, such as Races crashing etc. There is not alot of people on the moderation side of the game. My ticket took couple of days to be answered. If you want help, you must be patient or try and resolve it yourself if you can.

In a nutshell, do not flamebait someone for asking a different question to the one you are thinking. Ethan I would advise you remove that message mate cause to this new player, it looks disrespectful and doesn't seem accepting to others who come onto this forum. Majority of the players in this game are adults and wanted to be treated with respect, and I assume you do aswell. So talk to people how you want to be spoken to.

Yeah yeah try and look smart you twat. All your post was a few hours ago was; "We (us forumers) don't know your question, therefore we can't answer it for you."

So after I make you look stupid yet again, you come back and add a few paragraphs to your post in a vain attempt to make yourself look smart. Your not fooling anyone mate.

medal 5165
12 years 28 days ago

We (us forumers) don't know your question, therefore we can't answer it for you.

Clarification for low-end intellectual users of this game: I am referring to his request on the helpdesk, I'm assuming it's a question rather than an issue that is effecting his gameplay. Unlike a typical human, I don't always expect a problem when the Helpdesk is used. Helpdesk is also there for answering queries about the game that cannot be answered by the playerbase on the forum.

In future people, instead of flamebaiting someone requesting more information from the original poster, try and be productive and assist him.

I'm going to try to answer to the best of my knowledge why the Helpdesk hasn't responded. There is many possibilities like, his ticket may be low priority due to other issues by other players, such as Races crashing etc. There is not alot of people on the moderation side of the game. My ticket took couple of days to be answered. If you want help, you must be patient or try and resolve it yourself if you can.

In a nutshell, do not flamebait someone for asking a different question to the one you are thinking. Ethan I would advise you remove that message mate cause to this new player, it looks disrespectful and doesn't seem accepting to others who come onto this forum. Majority of the players in this game are adults and wanted to be treated with respect, and I assume you do aswell. So talk to people how you want to be spoken to.

Yeah yeah try and look smart you twat. All your post was a few hours ago was; "We (us forumers) don't know your question, therefore we can't answer it for you."

So after I make you look stupid yet again, you come back and add a few paragraphs to your post in a vain attempt to make yourself look smart. Your not fooling anyone mate.

If your here to cause trouble, you're doing a great job. It also happens to come with a prize.
medal 5000
12 years 28 days ago
WOW, cause I'm so scared of what an internet hard man is saying. I love how you seem to think that some people have respect for you in your own little perfect world where iGP is perfect and nothing needs updating. 

Thankfully I can laugh at your posts all day cause your posts give us insight into your parallel world.

I am so glad people far smarter than you can admit this games "Gameplay" faults and know what needs to be done to fix them.
medal 5000
12 years 28 days ago
Hi Ronald thats not a great welcome to iGP is it!
Its like this most of the time people are so friendly and patient! :)
medal 5000
12 years 28 days ago
Could one of the Mods please delete/moderate this thread.
It is turning into one of the usual slanging matches.  This is not giving a good impression of what the rest of the iGP community is like.

And I agree with Andrew that the the reply from the help desk has gone astray.  Ronald's initial post was polite so I don't understand the backlash.

Apologies Ronald as you seem to have been caught up in the cross-fire!
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