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A staff Academy

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medal 5333
5 years 223 days ago
Can we introduce a building where you can invest tokens to get new staff members similar to the current building for drivers since its not uncommon for f1 teams to invest in the future for their say aerodynamic people.

In my current league we've all started trying to get level 19/20 with ideal strengths and weaknesses staff from the transfer screen which unless your checking 24/7 is near impossible because of the sheer amount of people at level 19/20.

This building wouldn't be overpowered and would allow players who can't be constantly checking the transfers to get good CDs with the right strengths and weaknesses eventually. The staff themselves although could be high talent and high moral will start with low experience from where managers will have to spend afew season to build them up meaning you can't instantly get the top CDs off a quick click of a button. Also this just generally gives you something new to spend tokens on when you're a high level rather then building masses of them like people do currently. 
medal 5000
5 years 223 days ago
Its a really good idea, as its almost impossible tô find good staff on levels 19 and 20.
medal 5000
5 years 223 days ago
Very good idea ?
medal 5000
5 years 223 days ago
Yes, its good idea and maybe if your Staff academy have higher level that pit stop is faster.
medal 5333
5 years 223 days ago (Last edited by Paul Akam 5 years 223 days ago)
Yes, its good idea and maybe if your Staff academy have higher level that pit stop is faster.

The pitstop idea is interesting but is probably best off being its own building or maybe even being added to the building that gives the drs and kers bonus or the one which influences driver training rates. 
medal 5000
5 years 223 days ago
Perfect Paul, that feature will be awesome ????
medal 5112
5 years 223 days ago

Can we introduce a building where you can invest tokens to get new staff members similar to the current building for drivers since its not uncommon for f1 teams to invest in the future for their say aerodynamic people.

In my current league we've all started trying to get level 19/20 with ideal strengths and weaknesses staff from the transfer screen which unless your checking 24/7 is near impossible because of the sheer amount of people at level 19/20.

This building wouldn't be overpowered and would allow players who can't be constantly checking the transfers to get good CDs with the right strengths and weaknesses eventually. The staff themselves although could be high talent and high moral will start with low experience from where managers will have to spend afew season to build them up meaning you can't instantly get the top CDs off a quick click of a button. Also this just generally gives you something new to spend tokens on when you're a high level rather then building masses of them like people do currently. 

I agree 100%. That would be a great option to have. 
medal 4986
5 years 219 days ago
That is good idea 
medal 5000
5 years 218 days ago
good idea, but staff would need to get the ability to rank up (star level) when gaining experience which they currently don't. if staff doesn't rank up the building would be meaningless because you would end up with a 20 Talent - 3 Experience - 20 Morale CD (~3-4 stars) from search that will never raise his star level above said rank no matter how much you use him. that would in the end make this staff guy useless for top level managers.
medal 5000
5 years 218 days ago
It is needed, even down at level 17 it is not easy to find good quality staff. 
medal 5000
5 years 218 days ago
What if the apprenticeship center finds a staff member with the required talent level and minimum moral level set by the teams staff room. The experience level could be a randomly generated number between 1 and 10. Experience is gained per race dependant on finishing position, 1st to 5th could gain 5 points for 1st to 1 point for finishing 5th. However, the apprentice must be the active staff member during the race to gain any points. For example, Davey Jones starts an apprenticeship at Moores Lotus, his stats read 20 Talent, 7 experience and 18 moral. He is the active member of the team at the 1st race of the season where one of the moores lotus cars finishes 2nd. Davey Jones gains 4 experience points for that race. In the 2nd race however he isn't an active member and the cars finish 1st and 4th, Davey gains 0 points. So why wouldn't you just leave him active until he's maxed out his stats? Because whilst he's active he has no effect on the team in his roll, so as CD you'd gain 0 improvement points for your car, as Doctor your drivers health would deteriorate faster during the race etc. 
Just a thought. 
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