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Update thread.

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medal 5000
12 years 26 days ago (edited 12 years 26 days ago)
1st of all. I would like to thank Andrew for making the post about the weather system and to let us know about some of the updates in another thread.

I would just like to let you know a little about one of the biggest games of the past 2 years - Minecraft... Well, Minecraft updates to be more precise and is one of the very reasons to why MC is as big as it is today.

Notch worked on MC on his own at the start and didn't have time to make endless threads about what he was / wasn't working on, so he opened up Notch world.

This was a place to keep everyone informed of what he was doing and trying to do with the game as frequent as he could.. but he would only put a simple few words of what it was.. eg.

Blocks re-appearing.
To many Iron blocks generated.
and so on.

Blocks of stairs.
Food - Potatoes.
and so on.

Once he fixed or updated something, he would release a snap shot of it for the comminity to test and give feedback to.

He would also update the list with a simple. Done at the end...

but he was open and honest about everything and didn't mind telling people if he was having issues with some bits or what ever.. to the point of one update saying.

"Update - Fishing.. Aghh.. Still working on it, still can't get it working and it's driving me crazy."

Open and honest.. It went down a storm with the MC guys because no one from EA / Codemasters / Activison would dream of being that upfront with their own gamers...

If the developers could have a thread through the homepage like this, it would calm the forums down no ends... because that is the main issue here, we don't know what you are working on, what you are updating and so on..

Make it so the gamers can't reply as well. They can talk about updates still in the forums if they wish..

You could add it as a "Blog" or something to that effect and put it as a "Tab" on the home page with the league news...

All you need to do is a few words for each thing you want / are working on. For example-

Weather system fixes.
New driver attributes.
Jave connection fixes.
Tyres overheating on certain tracks.
and so on..

Update the blog as -

Weather system fixes. (Working on - Will take some time.)
New driver attributes.
Java connection fixes. (Fixed)
Tyres overheating on certain tracks. (Working on.)
and so on..

If it's causing some issues, then just say so.. being open and honest would go a long long way.. and make many loyal fans of the game.

medal 5000
12 years 26 days ago
hear hear!

where is the like button for this post?
medal 5000
12 years 22 days ago (edited 12 years 22 days ago)
Here is a list of the main fixes I would personally like to see.

New weather system - It could be basic at the start, but something that has a good variety of the basics that weather has to offer..
Even added % for light rain so it gives us a chance to have more than 3 laps on the Inter tyres and possible whole races at times.. Giving more variety of set up's and maxing out the available 4 sets of tyres iGP had at the moment.

Track Fixes - To sort out the very core of Cars & Tyres v's Temps & Wear for each track.

More depth to subscription members - So to give the Free 2 Play members some sort of basic 2D functions in the future, to make the subscription more about bonus content.
Something like a static map of the track and you only get a dot for each of your drivers that only updates at each sector passed and tells you the tyre temp / wear and fuel amounts. (You don't get to see the other drivers at all. Only yours and what sector they have entered.)

Subscription content as -
5% off the cost for engins per race,
1 extra slot for sponcer,
More detailed statistics,
Pro searching for staff and drivers and a more basic version for the F2P,
Open Car Design. (It could be that you have a template to fill in and pass it to iGP devs to upload for their car only, everyone can still see it..)
7 days training plans,
10% cost reduction on all facilities,
10% extra on merchendise...
and so on...

+ Some of the rewards that iGP has to offer already.. These all run out when your subscription runs out except the possibilty of things like the car designs.

New Driver attributes - I will make a new post about this in the next day to 2. I think it's a good idea. see what you all think.

Connection issues - I personally think the connection has improved a billion times over.. I have had a few drops but it's only now and then.. Some how ever are still doing the hokey pokey and are in, out, in, out, in, out... and posts have become less, but still pop up.

Enhancing features - Things that would give the game more depth and realism. Added tyre blankets was an posted and it's a good idea. These can be bought through the facilities... and with any new items & updates, to think along the lines of - Can these updates have a Free 2 Play version and a Subscription version???

There are a few more, but these are the kind of more urgent things I would like to see happen.

Again, these could be put as 3 to 6 words on a list of updates the Devs could put as a check-list blog within iGP.
medal 5165
12 years 22 days ago
Firstly why are you comparing two completely different games? Here are fundamental differences between Minecraft and iGPmanager.
[*]iGP has 0.1% the playerbase of Minecraft.
[*]iGP has very few developers, Mojang has many developers and some of the content they add to the vanilla game comes from Mods.
[*]Mojang has alot more money than iGPGames.
[*]Mojang has existed long before iGPGames, and has been one of the biggest games in the last 4 years.
Secondly, the changes you've requested, I have individual responses to them.

New weather system - It could be basic at the start, but something that has a good variety of the basics that weather has to offer..
Even added % for light rain so it gives us a chance to have more than 3 laps on the Inter tyres and possible whole races at times.. Giving more variety of set up's and maxing out the available 4 sets of tyres iGP had at the moment.

Track Fixes - To sort out the very core of Cars & Tyres v's Temps & Wear for each track.

We are awaiting the car development changes to finish before they add interaction between the Track and Car.

This has already been addressed by both Andrew and Jack on the forums, recently infact.

Subscription Improvements

I don't see these being improvements to the game, more to give Subscribed players alot more advantage over the F2P players

Open car design

May I refer you here?

Finally Rob, the developers have no reason to document publically their development path, doing so would be an completely idiotic move which could damage iGP.
medal 5000
12 years 22 days ago (edited 12 years 21 days ago)
Idiotic... pot / kettle / black.. esp with that responce... Do me a favour.. NEVER post with replies to my posts please... Leave it to someone who knows what 1 + 1 is... Edwin or the Devs... As you make up rubbish and pathetic posts that have no meaning at all except to counter moan and say everything is fine..

Get an official role from the devs or stop posting.. as you single handly have p-ed other managers off on a lot more than 1 occasion!!!

With subscriptions.. The idea with 99.9% of browser games that are sucsessful use these systems as the advantage is supposed to be behind the sceens and not the actual game it's self !!!! derp..

and as for the Minecraft comments... HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... You're joking right???

Notch was on his own for the first few years... and then he worked with Jeb and now Jeb is on his own most of the time... So where you get that info from I have no idea.. lolololol..

No comment on the painting.. I know the comp is there... DERP.

Again.. Just don't make posts regarding to my posts.. They are not wanted from you !!! only the people with more than 1 brain cell. I know you think you are doing a favour.. but you are not.. It's more anoying that anything else.

It's like a kid in the playground running around chanting "I know, I know, I know." and we all know what happens to that kid.....
medal 5165
12 years 21 days ago
Lol rage post.
medal 5000
12 years 21 days ago
Not raging.. Just stating.. Not even gone up a heart beat tbh.. Just sick of reading drivel when others want this game sorting in certain ways.... others seem like it's the best game and doesn't need much fixing.

We are running around Monaco in the wet. It's 6 degs and there is 0 difference in the colour or tyres between 1st and last... Last have been lapped 4 times and it's not even half way..
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