Just cap the amount of boost that can be used in a single lap, simple, more realistic and it would open up a lot more tactical options. This would favour players who attend the race lights out to chequered flag and are flexible and quick thinking. The race itself would go from being a weakness of the game to a strength. It's win-win.
i am with you that it would make the game more realistic.
but would Limit the tactics every limitation limits opportunity.
At the moment you are free using 1-2 percent every lap (how you want it) or use 100 % in a lap
use it over 5 laps and so on....
so would limit the tactics.
I disagree that limitations necessarily reduce tactical options. In Preston Racing there is a 2 tyre compound rule, a clear limitation on choice, but it has opened up a vast array of different strategies. No longer does everyone do the same and races are won on 1, 2 and 3 stop strategies with all four compounds being used by the field. A lap cap on boost would do the same if it was well implemented, in game mechanic terms. There would be less of the 'sitting in a DRS train, all stopping about the same laps and seeing who could save the most boost for the last laps' . That simply wouldn't happen. Teams would have to react more to situations as they develop, especially if overuse of boost on worn tyres under a high push level had consequences as it does on the F1 circuits in real life. We need an overhaul of the actual race engine, to bring the risk-reward nature of the sport more into the game.