Do we really want saving boost until the final lap to be encouraged even more
Yeah I think the current system promotes especially the fast guys to save all the boost till the end. I think there should be a limit of boost as max and that it is collated over a lap or more.
I think wind tunnel level should just affect how good your downforxe is. Allows you to run less wing = more top speed.
Simplest solution is that your boost drops to 75% 50% and 25% each time you cover a quarter distance, unless you've used that amount or more. So at one quarter distance, if you've used 20%, you'll automatically lose another 5% that way at 75% race distance, you'll have a maximum of 25% boost left.
It's so annoying thinking you're catching the guy in front or thinking that you might just hold onto that place, then suddenly there's a whole lap of boost deployed in one go. It's making a mockery of the race, the racing and the boost.
I really can't understand why some of us choose to argue the merits to which we all have the same opportunity and benefits from.
You think boost management is easy? Obviously not since you're here trying to make it sound like a bug related issue. I hate being beaten by a manager that saved his boost to the last lap. Equally I'm disappointed at myself for not having the discipline to use my boost more strategically. The fact is I'm being beaten by veteran managers that know more than I do about the do's and dont's. There's no unfairness here, just lack of know-how. Ask questions....absorb info and sort through what's relevant to you. It's not easy.....but it's not impossible..