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Staff Transfers

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medal 5000
5 years 217 days ago (Last edited by Dean Gibson 5 years 217 days ago)
It'd be good if you could recruit staff like young drivers. I know it'd be broken if they started with good stats but it wouldn't be too broken if they started at 1 Experience. If that is still too good then what about increasing the token cost to 2, 5 or even 10 tokens.

The transfer page is so limited that I don't have a hope of finding a CD with a good strength and weakness. They rarely appear on the transfers page and even then it's very unlikely I will check at just the right time to grab them before someone else does. 

It's very annoying that somone can stumble onto a good CD with decent stats, strength and weakness and then basically has an advantage over all other players in the first few races of every season until the CD retires (So like 30-40 seasons)

I wouldn't mind if it wasn't such a lottery. I don't know why the current system makes it so difficult to get good staff. It'd honestly just be better if all players could find/recruit decent staff without having to spend the whole day scanning the market for weeks when most people honestly don't have the time to waste. 

I know staff strength is less important overall then player skill but it can reach a place where you start every season at a 50 point deficit in the standings just because someone has a great CD so can easily dominate early races if they are half decent.

Edit - Just realised it's 1 token to scout a driver and 15 to sign them so my suggestion of 10 tokens would actually be quite cheap, but regardless, it could be 20 or even 30 tokens to scout new staff but that would be preferable to the lottery that is the transfers page.
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