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Make the bottom 4 great again

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medal 5000
5 years 215 days ago (Last edited by Denis Gallo 5 years 215 days ago)
Hi everyone,

first post in the forum. I'm new to the game, fighting in my first season currently. I read the tutorials and the suggestions for newbies as well as those for advanced players.

I think that it's a little bit boring to keep pushing the "top 4" every season and improving the "bottom 4" in the end.

While i need to still learn a lot of minor stuff of the game, I would like to see more relevance in putting those design points into tyre management, fuel management, reliability, cooling.

What do I suggest? Just tuning numbers.
Let's say more tyre wear in races, better scaling of tyre economy. 

Example: with tyre economy 20 you can't use strategies that include SS tyres (wear too high to make it work), with tyre economy 40 you would eventually be able to.

In the example above I used random numbers, don't freak out please :-)

Same story for fuel economy. I know it's probably the best attribute of the "bottom 4" but still, i would suggest to make the game harder on the fuel side and to make it scale better with fuel economy attribute improvement.

Reliability and cooling would need a different treatment.

There are too much parts and probably too much engines.
Removing the "buy parts for tokens" and limiting a lot more the parts that you can store, in addition to making car condition drop heavier from race to race would lead to an increasing reliability importance.

Cooling is cool. Lol. The idea of limited engines is exactly what i would like to see with parts. Still using the rule of thumb "change engines every other race" is too easy. It would almost be a game mechanic if cooling would be more relevant.
I don't know how to propose a solution here. Maybe imposing a limit on changing engines "only every 3 races" or giving less engines every restock, or, again, scaling engine condition better (a lot of engine "consumption" with low cooling).

As a conclusion i would like to see more balance between the 8 attributes. Perfect balance is not possible, but at the moment we have these attributes splitted into 4 and 4 and while in the top 4 it is pretty close, in the bottom 4 there is an additional split between fuel/tyres and reliability/cooling.

Tldr: i'm newbie, i know that you have more experience, i would like to see the car attributes more balanced, not like "top 4", "bottom 4".
medal 5000
5 years 215 days ago
I agree with Denis.
I also think that, if we want to add crashes to the game, there should be a new variable from which the odds of the incident happening depends: for example the current engine/chassis status (and with that cooling/reliability new importance would come into play) or even punctures with low % of tyre remaining, even though I think there's already a puncture mechanic but it's probably happening only at 0%.
We are new to the game but already loving it, and we want it to get the most exciting/realistic possible to give the best managing experience to old and new players!
Keep working on this and your players will appreciate it.


medal 5000
5 years 215 days ago
Nah fuel and tyres fine as it is and reliability and cooling is fine as it is should even be made so it's easier to manage it in a 2 car league i run out of parts easy, do I want to not repair my car and be not competitive? No, exactly.
medal 5000
5 years 215 days ago
The concept; solid!
The reality; virtual at best.
iGP has taken a different road for the time being. 
*We now have daily rewards that help with day to day team`s performance/operation. 
*We also have quick races that allows for a more flexible playing time for those that can`t commit to play in a league.

Denis, we`re a long way to having more defining automation in the DP or any department for that matter.  
I`m glad you`ve taken the time to read all the game`s guides. However, they are but a small piece of the puzzle. You must now put them into practice and develop a compartmentalized eye and sensory array for what`s to come.  You`ll soon find yourself with a lot more questions than answers and so you should. And that`s where it gets fun.
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