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Swap T20 to T20

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medal 5007
5 years 190 days ago
Im wonna exhange my pilot to another more younger
My Kwiatkowski have T20 Y25 and his wages 518k
Im wonna T20 and maximum Y17
medal 5000
5 years 189 days ago
Would be a fools deal for everybody, since Kwiatkowski is now lvl 17 and would probably cost around 1mn - 1.2 mn in wages every race.

Why do you want to sell him anyway. He's cheap enough for you and has still a lot of potential ahead of him?
medal 5007
5 years 189 days ago
why did you decide that his salary will change after buying for 9 tokens?
medal 5000
5 years 189 days ago
because the salary depends on which level you hire the driver. level 5 around 300k level 15+ the salary is 1 Million +
medal 5007
5 years 189 days ago
But its work if hire on 3 token's
I was sure that when buying at auction for 9 tokens, the salary changes by 10%.(((
medal 5000
5 years 189 days ago
no the salary when buying a driver depends on the level, the higher the level of the driver, the higher the salary.
the 10 increase is when you renew the contract.
medal 5000
5 years 189 days ago

no the salary when buying a driver depends on the level, the higher the level of the driver, the higher the salary.
the 10 increase is when you renew the contract.

You mean from auction? then I could see your point. 

There are other ways to maintain drivers' salaries low.  In the long ran one always pays though.  

I keep my YA driver's salary low buy selling him and then buying him back with 3 tokens+cash.(that's what  Павел might be referring to) The cash part is what makes this move absolute at a certain point bc the combined value of the tokens and cash far exceeds the salary to be paid for the duration of the driver's contract. The biggest difference is a 20 race vs. a 50 race contract. 
medal 5000
5 years 189 days ago
ok then you have to own them before, did not knew that. i bought my first Talent 20 Drivers that way(3token and cash) one was Level 5, one 6 and one 9 and the salary was between 300k for level 5 and 600k for level 9.
medal 5000
5 years 189 days ago

ok then you have to own them before, did not knew that. i bought my first Talent 20 Drivers that way(3token and cash) one was Level 5, one 6 and one 9 and the salary was between 300k for level 5 and 600k for level 9.

More importantly; they would have to be signed from the Youth Academy to be able to start and keep wages low. 

I find that regardless of level, the more times a driver jumps from team to team so does his wages.
medal 5295
5 years 189 days ago
In my observation it does not depend how they are hired its just about the level at which the driver is hired. With every level, the salary increases.
Must not be from the Youth academy i created my 2nd account as youth team to get Talent 20 drivers fast. When swapping them at Level 5 straight out of the academy the salary just increased from 313k to 340k.

Don't know if it is true what the 2 others say, that you can hold the salary low by rebuying a driver.

Don't want to try it because i am afraid the salary will increase from 400 k to more than a million.
medal 5007
5 years 189 days ago
Ok, im test that, after find new driver))
medal 5000
5 years 187 days ago
For the sell and buyback move to work you must have a 3rd driver of-course, otherwise the system won't let you sell him. 
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