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Prize pool

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medal 5000
5 years 216 days ago
Что Вы пытались сделать?
I think, that I've got a problem with the income from races (prize pool?).

Что случилось вместо этого?
My drivers finish 1st and 2nd, but I got only $1,512,000. From the begining till the mid of the season I got $2,652,000 for the same places.
Now, recently I've earned $1,512,000 for being 4th and 5th, but yesterday I got $672,000 for 5th and 6th.
What is wrong here? What is more weird - my brain or the game logic?

Возникла ли проблема при использовании Wi-Fi, мобильных данных или их обоих?

Баг произошел в приложении на смартфоне, в браузере на ПК или везде?

Какая модель вашего устройства?
Apple iPhone X

Какая операционная система?

Какой номер версии операционной системы?

Может ли баг быть воспроизведен?

Дополнительные комментарии:
medal 5000
5 years 216 days ago
Race earnings and/or bonuses are not based on what place you finish on any given race, but rather on whether or not you meet your race's objectives. The income part of your sponsors you'll get regardless of your performance though. 
medal 5000
5 years 215 days ago

Race earnings and/or bonuses are not based on what place you finish on any given race, but rather on whether or not you meet your race's objectives. The income part of your sponsors you'll get regardless of your performance though. 

Yeah, I see, but I mean the income not from sponsors. At the beginning of my career race’s objectives were like “finish 4th or upper at least one car”, but as I said I got $2,5 mil. The objective changed, when I started to win - “2nd or upper”, but I got $1,5 mil. Now, I’m in a hard league, in professional’s division, the objective is “7th or upper” every race, but first I got $1,5 mil, and last race $672k
medal 5000
5 years 215 days ago


Race earnings and/or bonuses are not based on what place you finish on any given race, but rather on whether or not you meet your race's objectives. The income part of your sponsors you'll get regardless of your performance though. 

Yeah, I see, but I mean the income not from sponsors. At the beginning of my career race’s objectives were like “finish 4th or upper at least one car”, but as I said I got $2,5 mil. The objective changed, when I started to win - “2nd or upper”, but I got $1,5 mil. Now, I’m in a hard league, in professional’s division, the objective is “7th or upper” every race, but first I got $1,5 mil, and last race $672k

Did you change sponsors during that time? What do you mean when talking about how much money you got? Do you speak about what the sponsors paid you or what profit you made after the race? If your profit  is declining it can be from higher staff/driver wages. 

medal 5000
5 years 215 days ago
He talks about "prize money" area in finances tab. Sponsors income is another transaction.
In my way prize money income for this season $ 672k.
For 1st season it was under 600k.
medal 5000
5 years 215 days ago



Race earnings and/or bonuses are not based on what place you finish on any given race, but rather on whether or not you meet your race's objectives. The income part of your sponsors you'll get regardless of your performance though. 

Yeah, I see, but I mean the income not from sponsors. At the beginning of my career race’s objectives were like “finish 4th or upper at least one car”, but as I said I got $2,5 mil. The objective changed, when I started to win - “2nd or upper”, but I got $1,5 mil. Now, I’m in a hard league, in professional’s division, the objective is “7th or upper” every race, but first I got $1,5 mil, and last race $672k

Did you change sponsors during that time? What do you mean when talking about how much money you got? Do you speak about what the sponsors paid you or what profit you made after the race? If your profit  is declining it can be from higher staff/driver wages. 

Nonono, not about profit, I understand that stuff with wages and so on. 

I’m talking about “prize money” (Finances>History>Prize money), yeah, it declined during one season, though my result in races has improved. Idk. 
medal 5000
5 years 215 days ago

Nonono, not about profit, I understand that stuff with wages and so on. 

I’m talking about “prize money” (Finances>History>Prize money), yeah, it declined during one season, though my result in races has improved. Idk. 

Then do you have changed your sponsors? Because some pay more regular money (sponsor income in the finance tab) and less prize money (which shows up under prize money in the finance tab). So maybe the reason can be found there. If that's neither the case, I'm sorry that I can't help you any further than that.

medal 5000
5 years 215 days ago

Nonono, not about profit, I understand that stuff with wages and so on. 

I’m talking about “prize money” (Finances>History>Prize money), yeah, it declined during one season, though my result in races has improved. Idk. 

Isn't "prize money" on the financial sheet a fixed amount you get for meeting race objectives? You meet the objective, you get $, you dont meet get nothing. That includes QR earnings as well.

medal 5000
5 years 214 days ago

Nonono, not about profit, I understand that stuff with wages and so on. 

I’m talking about “prize money” (Finances>History>Prize money), yeah, it declined during one season, though my result in races has improved. Idk. 

Then do you have changed your sponsors? Because some pay more regular money (sponsor income in the finance tab) and less prize money (which shows up under prize money in the finance tab). So maybe the reason can be found there. If that's neither the case, I'm sorry that I can't help you any further than that.

Are you sure about sponsors’ influence on prize money? ‘Cuz ya, I’ve changed them on better ones, giving more income. But I got $59k sponsors’ income and $1,5 mil prize once or twice

Isn't "prize money" on the financial sheet a fixed amount you get for meeting race objectives? You meet the objective, you get $, you dont meet get nothing. That includes QR earnings as well.

I’ve told already, that I gain the objectives 
medal 5000
5 years 214 days ago
Yes, you can basically choose between more income and less bonus sponsors and more bonus and less income sponsors. And a lot of different variations of it in the middle.

Simplified it looks like this (this is for secondary sponsors):

Sponsor:             1                         2                          3
Income:              50k                     550k                     1mn
Bonus:               1mn                    550k                     50k
Total:                 1.05 mn             1.05mn                  1.05mn

And then there is a primary sponsor where you get tokens as income and a varying amount of cash as bonus if you achieve your objective.

Maybe if you renew your sponsorship contracts next time look at the different options you have in more detail and then choose your sponsor. You can also calculate how much bonus you should get with your momentarily sponsor if you look it up in the finance tab.
medal 5000
5 years 213 days ago

Yes, you can basically choose between more income and less bonus sponsors and more bonus and less income sponsors. And a lot of different variations of it in the middle.

Simplified it looks like this (this is for secondary sponsors):

Sponsor:             1                         2                          3
Income:              50k                     550k                     1mn
Bonus:               1mn                    550k                     50k
Total:                 1.05 mn             1.05mn                  1.05mn

And then there is a primary sponsor where you get tokens as income and a varying amount of cash as bonus if you achieve your objective.

Maybe if you renew your sponsorship contracts next time look at the different options you have in more detail and then choose your sponsor. You can also calculate how much bonus you should get with your momentarily sponsor if you look it up in the finance tab.

Wow,okay, I see. 

And then, more income sponsors are better than those with mystic bonuses, am I right ?))
Thank you so much by the way :)
medal 5000
5 years 213 days ago

Wow,okay, I see. 

And then, more income sponsors are better than those with mystic bonuses, am I right ?))
Thank you so much by the way :)

Usually yes, since they pay out a large amount of cash regularly and you have a stable cash flow. I think you might perhaps get some k more if you choose a sponsor who pays a higher bonus, but you have to check that the next time you sign a new contract. Still it only pays of if you achieve the objective every time or almost every time. You have to do the math with the sponsorships you are offered. For high level managers it is usually better to take the safe cash and neglect a possible slightly higher total income gained through bonuses.
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