Ben Dexter medal 5000 12 years 3 days ago
i'm new to this game so i'm confused now i'm coming upto my first wet race.
Qualifying is set to be dry,and the race Wet, so how would I go about setting up for the race? and if I qualify on softs,will it automaticly put me on wet's for the start of the race?
thanks guy's,

Brett Wilson medal 5000 12 years 3 days ago
Gday Ben - Im rather new myself (first season) Im pretty certain that while you are setting the car up... there is an advanced Strategy option underneath strategy. If you Have selected 0 laps when it rains and your choice of tyres (hopefully full wets) they will be the tyres fitted at the start of your race if its raining.
In regards to setup yes it will be your dry setup but if rain is forecasted and the lockout has not applied i would want to be increase "certain peramiters" to help you in wet weather. To be honest there are a few factors that you have left out as have I, so i thought id try and keep it simple and on point without drifting. (Feel free to correct me if im wrong with any info, Still wet behind the ears and i could be incorrect)

Ben Dexter medal 5000 12 years 3 days ago
ahh cool thanks for that, certain paramaters such as?

Brett Wilson medal 5000 12 years 3 days ago
Dont want to spoil the game for you and everyone else.. some of these things are best to figure out on your own , But have a think what items on the car will need to be INCREASED or DECREASED in wet weather.. sometimes when I qualify I have entered in all my test sessions (in dry) then it starts raining !! so although i cannot test anymore i ask myself what parts on the car would be effected by wet weather ?? (Usually i still have abit of time before lockout).
One example would be front and rear wings........... If i raise it in the wet that might help with cornering and overall grip...if you catch my drift. AND over the course of the season im sure you will have test sessions where it will be wet / raining so you can compare your dry data with wet data and see what the differences are in setup.

Ben Dexter medal 5000 12 years 3 days ago
ok i see what you mean,
I have just downgraded my designers but i have still been charged?? how can downgrading staff cost more money?

Brett Wilson medal 5000 12 years 3 days ago
Not sure why Ben... maybe someone else with more experince with the game might be able to contribute to this one please. Could be that they have to pay them out or any super or holidays owed hehe :).

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 3 days ago
Ben, what do you mean by 'downgraded my designers' ?

Greg Broz medal 5000 12 years 3 days ago
I think he means he reduced the number, possibly to have more engineers and mechanics. I think he wants to know why it cost him money to lay off staff....

wouter de bruin medal 5000 12 years 3 days ago
I suppose you pay them salary and laying them off is paying extra salary. European system, were people have rights. A truly free continent. Joking :)

Ben Dexter medal 5000 11 years 367 days ago
yeah I had a heap off designers that i downgraded to set on mechanics, but i was then charged again for the desings??
seems a flaw to me

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 366 days ago
It's to stop managers hiring and firing without a penalty. IRL there are penalties - you can't just fire someone.