Gary Collyer medal 5000 11 years 364 days ago
Unable to do test runs, no feedback, cant save either, reverts back to 5/5 test runs everytime log in.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 11 years 364 days ago
Almost identicle problem to above, no feedback and when click save it would NOT turn from green no matter how many times i click it/time i wait, and have to force your way off the page despite warning of things being un saved but cant get feedback to change anything anyway, but test runs get restored back to 5/5 anyway, can this be sorted b4 my race is closed off at 5.30pm GMT about 2 hours 40 mins time.
Thank you

Dave Anderson medal 5000 11 years 364 days ago
I did test runs earlier with one driver now both have 5/5 test runs remaining but driver has retained his tested setup.
And solve the problem for everyone but gary collyer, only chance i will have of beating him XD

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 364 days ago
I will ask for this to be looked into

Gary Collyer medal 5001 11 years 364 days ago
I did test runs earlier with one driver now both have 5/5 test runs remaining but driver has retained his tested setup.
And solve the problem for everyone but gary collyer, only chance i will have of beating him XD
Dave, u suck...Again! :D :D

Gary Collyer medal 5001 11 years 364 days ago
I will ask for this to be looked into
Thanks Edwin. :)

Gary Collyer medal 5001 11 years 364 days ago
LOL im getting feedback now and am able to save, but when i leave the page and go back to it i have 5/5 test runs available even tho i used 1 b4 but setup was still saved, so basically i could possibly get Un-limited test runs but im not using them all yet as weather might change, we'll see.
Sounds like others are getting there test runs reset as well.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 11 years 364 days ago
Ok now i get no feedback when i just come on to do last runs b4 lockdown and cant save either. but dont matter as weather not changed so my 1 run earlier will do, but theres def a problem going on.

James Reynolds medal 5000 11 years 364 days ago
I appear to have this same problem. Did my setup about 20 mins ago for race start at 7pm. Went back to make a fuel adjustment and noticed I had five of five test runs again. When I clicked to send my drivers out on their runs, I received no feedback. The setups appear to have saved from when I did them earlier.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 11 years 364 days ago
It was just a display issue, saying there were 5 left when there were really none left. It should be fixed now. As for no feedback, you probably used up all test runs already, but it was just saying you had 5 left. So when you were clicking them again it wasn't actually running another lap, thus no feedback.
I don't understand the claim that things are not saving, that's completely unrelated to this if it's happening at all. Are you sure it's actually happening? It's not happening on my test account, even before fixing the display issue it was able to save just fine.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 11 years 364 days ago
I think it was actaully saving even tho it said it wasnt saving, it wouldnt let me leave the page cause it said it wasnt saved so i had to click on leave the page anyway, but i think it may of been saving tho.

mike reoullas medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
Hey guys. I just started the game and I have this problem. We are supposed to be able to do test runs from the end of the previous race to 10 mins before the next race, right? Well I have the driver I have the staff, everything is in place. What happens is I just cannot do any practice runs. All the buttons on the page are inactive. It will not leave me do test not either to open advanced setup or to simply set the stints and fuel. I will try later and see if it works, but If you have any suggestions please tell me, cause it will be a shame to quit before I even start :). Thanks in advance.

mike reoullas medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
I managed to do the test runs. It was just a matter of pointing the cursor of the mouse outside the frame of the button. I guess the same happens with all the other buttons in the screen. But seriously its something that must be addressed by the devs cause its frustrating. :S

mike reoullas medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
After all I couldn't change anything else. At least I have a good setup for my car. If any1 see this, and has same problem or used to have it, please tell me if there is aworkaround to it, or else I guess we will wait for a fix? Thanks again and sorry for my endless bitching :)

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
I have never heard of this problem before.
Can you give an indication of what browser you are using, computer system and any other information that might be relevant.
I hope it hasn't put you off playing as I can see it would be really frustrating.
I am sure you will get lots of helpful advice over the next few hours once we have more information.

mike reoullas medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
Thanks for the reply. I try to be optimistic :). My system is a laptop HP Pavilion dv6. Screen resolution 1366x768 nvidia geforce GT 230M. Browser used Chrome. If you need more info tell to provide a full system spec. Thanks in advance.

mike reoullas medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
I have changed the browser to IE and it works perfectly :). At last I can play. Thank you Jake for your feedback cause it prompted me to try a different browser. It could be beneficial though if the developers could address this problem so people like me who are using predominantly the chrome can play the game ;)

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 11 years 335 days ago
Hi Mike, I use Chrome (well, SRWare Iron, which is Chrome without Google tracking you) to play the game, so it has been developed with Chrome in mind. It does seem that problems of this nature are cropping up lately, since we had this thread too: http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=forum-thread/2794
The one thing all these problems have in common is they are AJAX requests, being made over a connection created within the page. So they rely on the network being 100% reliable to work. Now that I think of it, I saw someone open a regular page on iGP in a live stream yesterday and it took over 10 seconds to load. If that's happening on these requests they will outright fail.
That would explain why we've got people using Opera, Chrome and IE all experiencing glitches in different areas of the game based on AJAX requests. Perhaps the server is hanging, we'll look in to this.

mike reoullas medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
Thanks for the reply :). I can say that I am impressed that a dev was so quick to reply. Thumbs up from me guys. In other online games you were lucky if you could have your ticket answered after 5 days :). Keep up the good work ;) And last but not least since I am a software dev myself, thanks to Jack Basford for the more detailed explanation since I will be able to fix any glitches my router may experience and then check what hapens again.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 335 days ago
Yeh Thanks Jack.
And I hope you stick aroung Mike, as your input in this forum will be very useful, once you get the hang of what is going on.