M OEBEL medal 5000 11 years 363 days ago
did i understand something wrong, I read in your design update announce that race strategy closes 10 minutes prior each race from 16th march on. Today it is as normal at 30 minutes prior. Now i don´t have a setup for last race of the season because i logged in to igpmanager later because of the announced changes.
Is the update working now for all or just for a few managers or for no one?

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 11 years 363 days ago
Just because the release is today, doesn't mean it was done at 12am. It'll likely be done when they are ready to release it. It can be anytime today. On the homepage after login, there are notifications of what times the lockout and qualifying is at. In future I'd recommend you look to that and watch for an annoucement saying it has been released.

M OEBEL medal 5000 11 years 363 days ago
ah ok, thanks for your quick answer!