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New league created new players

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medal 5000
4 years 253 days ago
A new league has been created and now part way through its first season. 

We need active newer players to join in. 

League not found or inactive

We keep weekends off and race after normal UK dinner times.
I am active daily and looking for people who are active daily as well to join races.
My target is close racing and i need more active members to make that happen. 

Always looking for people to join with ideas for managing it too. 
Only rule atm is 1 week inactivity is out,(baring holiday if i'm aware)

medal 5000
4 years 245 days ago
Plenty of spaces open in our league at the moment. 

Season 1 has ended and season 2 starts Monday. (Tomorrow)

Pro has therefore been opened up all players are fairly new, I've read as much as i can from forum and use what I've learned to try and help those new players out. 

If you like the sound of it come and join us.

As you can gather by the newly opened tier we likely show right at the bottom of the league search so please join us and join in the fun.
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