Corey Flook medal 5000 5 years 200 days ago
What did you try to do?
Twice now I have set up for a wet weather race to protect myself if the rain stops shortly before the race begins. I use intermediate tires for the first stint but set it up to use full wets if the rain is above 3mm.
What happened instead?
The program seems to ignore this setting and just goes forward with the intermediate tires for qualifying and the start of the race. Rain was at 3.7mm for the race.
Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?
Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?
What operating system is your PC?
Has happened on both Windows 7 and Windows 10
Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Can the bug be reproduced?
Happened twice now so yea, I suppose
Additional comments:

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 5 years 199 days ago
Hi Corey,
Yes, this is a known bug of the current advanced strategy settings. If you select intermediates as base tyres and wets starting from a certain amount of water, the game will never put you on those wets. It's as if it thinks "he has already chosen a type of non-dry tyres himself, I don't have to do anything anymore".
Devs are aware about the problem, I have in fact still spoken about this particular issue with Jack 1 or 2 weeks ago.
It is being looked into, but I can't promise you any fix date yet.

Vernon Lake medal 5000 5 years 196 days ago
What did you try to do?
The rain was 3.3mm. I set the inters on my car for the option if it stops raining during the 10 mins but made the settings to if the rain is over 3mm then use wet.
What happened instead?
The rain remained 3.3 so on my car there should be wet tyres at the qualy and at the race start but instead of wets i started on inters.
Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?
Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?
What is the model of your device?
Galaxy s7
What is the operating system?
What is the version number of the operating system?
Can the bug be reproduced?
On rainy race i can give it a try. It happened the same with my league mate
Additional comments:
Why this happened?

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 5 years 196 days ago
Hi Enzo,
I merged your post into this existing thread from a few days ago that speaks about the exact same bug. Please read my answer above, today's status is still the same.