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Accused of cheat and kickedout

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medal 5000
5 years 198 days ago
I was playing in this league: , and after today's race (Bahrein) they kicked me out, telling me that i was using a cheat/know bugs based on NOTHING. People can just accuse you and kick you from the league? Accuse, don't prove and that is it? Stay without any type of punishment? The one who accused and kicked me: I spent some engines for nothing.

By the way, what are these "Know bugs"???
Picture with accusations:
I have some whatsapp accusation messages if needed too
medal 5000
5 years 198 days ago
Unbelievable, you can't cheat in this game...
medal 5001 Super Mod
5 years 198 days ago (Last edited by José Trujillo 5 years 198 days ago)
Hi Takeshi Nakazato,
We can indeed not accept that people get accused of cheating just because they are winning and then get kicked out of a league. We are opening an investigation on this to also hear the host's side of the story and will then decide what the appropriate action is. 
medal 5000
5 years 198 days ago
I'd like to know what you did that was declared cheating.  Two advantages I see you having are 2 T20 drivers that are well trained.  Not all of the other teams had that.  There's also the potential factors of having a stronger initial design, the right suppliers, and better spending your DP compared to everyone else.  Also, judging by your accomplishments, you seem to be a really good manager.  And that can sometimes make a noticeable difference.  If they wanna be jerks and kick you rather than try to learn something from your performances, it's their loss.

race result
medal 5000
5 years 198 days ago

I'd like to know what you did that was declared cheating.  Two advantages I see you having are 2 T20 drivers that are well trained.  Not all of the other teams had that.  There's also the potential factors of having a stronger initial design, the right suppliers, and better spending your DP compared to everyone else.  Also, judging by your accomplishments, you seem to be a really good manager.  And that can sometimes make a noticeable difference.  If they wanna be jerks and kick you rather than try to learn something from your performances, it's their loss.

race result

I have no idea what i did, they just accused, no prove, no nothing

medal 5000
5 years 197 days ago (Last edited by H Rod. 5 years 197 days ago)

I'd like to know what you did that was declared cheating.  Two advantages I see you having are 2 T20 drivers that are well trained.  Not all of the other teams had that.  There's also the potential factors of having a stronger initial design, the right suppliers, and better spending your DP compared to everyone else.  Also, judging by your accomplishments, you seem to be a really good manager.  And that can sometimes make a noticeable difference.  If they wanna be jerks and kick you rather than try to learn something from your performances, it's their loss.

race result

I have no idea what i did, they just accused, no prove, no nothing

What we are asking is what they said you were doing wrong to accuse you of cheating. 

Did the host just came out of nowhere and said you were cheating and next thing you know you`ve been kicked out? That would be absurd under any circumstances. 

EDIT: Just like Joshua noted.... you look to be too good of a manager to begin with.  Their chat wall mentions you just joined but you actually started the season in Australia.  It`s true, you simply dominated every race.... They are obviously not used to seeing what a top manager can do against those that don`t pay attention. 

This to me is a no brainier.... Takeshi, you need to find a league that rewards you for your talent.  You were probably on route to winning every race there. ...  

iGP needs to come up with a standardized group of criteria to meet before any host chooses to have a tantrum/unsportsmanlike misconduct and kick players out.  Including submitting said application to iGP authorities to review and render a denial or authorization.  
medal 5000
5 years 197 days ago
Doesn't seem like just the host but quite a number of members in the league as well. Most have talent 20 drivers so from what I can see, Night Kids simply had the better strat and from the results over the season so far, is simply a better manager than the rest of the league. I can attest that strats on Bahrain that start with SS are pretty good and I've seen them win a number of times in other Elite tiers, convincingly even. With 100% distance there's even less tyre wear per lap further proving the viability of SS in Bahrain.

There seems to be an unfortunately noticeable increase in accusations of cheating and wrongful kickings. As iGP runs the whole game on its central servers, it is impossible for anything to be manipulated on something like a game client by players, making any third-party intervention not possible. 
medal 5000
5 years 197 days ago
that happened to me as well in another league. 
igp will Not give Information what they do about these toxic hosts.
my advice is look for a more competitive league with a competitive environment, because it is no Fun to race such losers:)
medal 5149
5 years 197 days ago
I am the league host, the decision was not made by me but the whole group. Other players thaught his was cheating and using bugs as he joined the league and he car was so far ahead. There was heated decisions on the what App group, and players were wanting him gone or they would leave. 

I accept any punsherment, but please don't close my account as put my own real life money into my account. 
I only did what the group voted for. 
medal 5062
5 years 197 days ago
Nathaniel only performed the actions of what the league voted for, I accept we all should get punished. 

Nathaniel voted for him to stay, but other players like myself voted for him to be kicked or we would all leave. 
medal 5067
5 years 197 days ago
I accept my part in this vote, I voted for him to be kicked. He looked like he was cheating. The blame should not be directly focused on one person. 
medal 5000
5 years 197 days ago
I play with Takeshi in two other leagues and he's no cheater, simply a very good player. I've checked his qualifying and race times and there's nothing wrong with them, just fast times, so it's not a fair reason for a kick...
medal 5084 Super Mod
5 years 197 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 5 years 197 days ago)
Thank you everyone for your input and views on this subject. The matter is being reviewed by the Mods and the iGP Team who will be communicating directly with the affected managers.
For this reason I am locking the thread.


Edit. I also want to make it clear there is no evidence that the OP was either cheating or exploiting a bug.
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