Edwin Stanton medal 5560 11 years 358 days ago
Can someone explain why my driver pitted during the last segment of the last lap of a race? As soon as the pitting box turned green I unclicked it but he still made the stop. After the race my stats said I had 2L of fuel left (granted not enough for another lap) which was more than enough to carry him to the finish line. Is this a known issue that just needs to be debugged or something I did wrong?
Thank you.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 358 days ago
Edwin, (great name btw), Can you give me the race id and I can ask for it to be investigated

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 11 years 358 days ago
According to the race log, your driver did decide to pit, but then changed his mind almost immediately, noticing that the race would be over by the time he reached the finish line. Then 5 seconds later there is a record that you ordered the pit stop.
What I imagine happened here is that there was a bit of lag that meant the PIT button had turned green, but didn't turn back for some reason, possibly simply due to lag. Then when you clicked it to try to cancel the stop, it would have been interpreted as a positive order to pit instead.
I'll have a look at this and try to make sure these kinds of glitches don't happen in future.
Sorry about this. I hope it didn't affect your position.

Edwin Stanton medal 5560 11 years 358 days ago
Thank you for the follow up. I would imagine then it was a lag issue that I inadventently caused. Thank you for the reply and next time I will endenvour to be a bit more patient with my mouse clicks.
Thank you again for the prompt reply as well as the research.