Jim Katelas medal 5000 11 years 356 days ago
So thats my question.
[*]What will i win with the 2D pack?(except the 2D view)
[*]Will i win much against a F2P user?
[*]30 pounds with no Bonus.Why should i get it?Not even a 1-2 month free if you get it?

Eton Fed medal 5000 11 years 356 days ago
It's hands down better than F2P being able to see exactly where your car is on the track. You can also judge DRS zones/kers combos better. It's up to you. It is faster, so ask yourself whether or not that makes it worth buying. If you want the competitive edge, then absolutely buy it. Ask yourself how seriously you want to take the game and then decide.

aCb Chapman medal 5000 11 years 356 days ago
You also see the tire temp of your oponents, and can react to change strategy.

James Young medal 5000 11 years 351 days ago
I am a former subscriber, and I can tell you that knowing how much KERS your opponents have and the condition of their tires is a big help, and something you can't currently get with the free view.