¿Qué has intentado hacer?
I tried to win the race
¿Qué es lo que ocurrió?
Player involved: DIEGO IBAÑEZ FERNANDEZ / Team: BMWmotorsport
I was on the last lap of the circuit in Hungary when, starting in the middle or so, I started to give what I had left of KERS.In the final stretch I see my car finish in front of my rival, when suddenly I see that I have finished the second.I would swear 100% that my car was BEFORE my rival in the final stretch.In the end he won by just over 0.1 tenth (I think it makes a lot of difference to have b
¿El problema ocurrió mientras usaba wi-fi, datos móviles o ambos?
¿El error se produjo en la app, en PC o en ambos?
¿Cuál es el modelo de su dispositivo?
OnePlus 3T
¿Qué sistema operativo posee?
¿Cuál es el número de versión del sistema operativo?
Android 9
¿Se puede reproducir el error?
I don't know if it can be repeated, I hope it never happens again, it has angered me a lot.
Comentarios adicionales:
It may have been a mistake, in more than 650 races that I have been, I have never seen that still being ahead visually clearly, it is behind.I would appreciate it if you could help me see what happene