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Automatic expulsions

Are you FOR or AGAINST automatic expulsions due to inactivity ??

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medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago (Last edited by Derferik Derf 5 years 163 days ago)
Automatic expulsions kill the game !!!
They empty the leagues ! They prevent relegations, which demotates active players. Only hosts should be able to transfer inactive players to make space when the league is full !!
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago
If leagues need inactive players to fill them then either those leagues are not good enough to attract enough players, or there are simply too many leagues. Maybe merging leagues which run at the same time and to similar rules, is the answer
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago
What you say is true but the problem is that a lot of leagues are full or almost full in Elite, but they are almost empty in Beginner and Pro ... So relegations are no longer possible and many players permanently stop playing because of this.
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago
Imo, this is management issue that should be left to on the host`s hands based on agreed internal league criteria. 
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago

Automatic expulsions kill the game !!!
They empty the leagues ! They prevent relegations, which demotates active players. Only hosts should be able to transfer inactive players to make space when the league is full !!

I`m confused here.... so you don`t want automatic expulsions? We already have such protocol in place for each tier. It`s one of the few things that imo, doesn`t need any attention.  It gives hosts ample time to manage their leagues and pro-act as need be.


 Maybe merging leagues which run at the same time and to similar rules, is the answer

This is also a common practice across the board. League`s hosts have to be creative to maintain their leagues. 
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago
I know that the automatic expulsion from the league has meant that I will spend another season in Pro level, At the start of our season there were 9 managers, enough to allow promotion, but 3 managers were expelled due to inactivity during the season leaving me another Pro season to come. Honestly it's probably better for me as I wouldn't be able to compete with players 5 to 7 levels above me.
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago
Hate to break it to you Andrew, but in your case, not getting to elite this season means it will actually take longer for you to catch up. As the highest level manager in pro, you gain 40 XP a race, plus any you get from daily rewards. The 3 lvl 14 teams in elite, the ones you'd most likely end up racing against, gain 140 XP a race, plus daily rewards.  The same can be said, to a lesser degree, for the two rookies in your league if they don't get to pro. 
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago

Hate to break it to you Andrew, but in your case, not getting to elite this season means it will actually take longer for you to catch up. As the highest level manager in pro, you gain 40 XP a race, plus any you get from daily rewards. The 3 lvl 14 teams in elite, the ones you'd most likely end up racing against, gain 140 XP a race, plus daily rewards.  The same can be said, to a lesser degree, for the two rookies in your league if they don't get to pro. 

He would gain 160 in elite
medal 5000
5 years 163 days ago


Hate to break it to you Andrew, but in your case, not getting to elite this season means it will actually take longer for you to catch up. As the highest level manager in pro, you gain 40 XP a race, plus any you get from daily rewards. The 3 lvl 14 teams in elite, the ones you'd most likely end up racing against, gain 140 XP a race, plus daily rewards.  The same can be said, to a lesser degree, for the two rookies in your league if they don't get to pro. 

He would gain 160 in elite

He would actually gain 180 XP.  But, until he gets in elite, he will only gain 40 XP, putting him further behind.

medal 5000
5 years 162 days ago
An automatic expulsion, as I understand the term, is too inflexible. Players sometimes, for many reasons, go inactive for a while. If this is handled by league hosts then this can easily be accounted for. If expulsion was automatically enforced then no such latitude could be extended and players would be lost. 
medal 5000
5 years 162 days ago

 Maybe merging leagues which run at the same time and to similar rules, is the answer

This is also a common practice across the board. League`s hosts have to be creative to maintain their leagues. 

I know its a common practice, I host a league that merged with another at a time when we were both struggling to gain members. It was merely a suggestion to Derferik Derf

medal 5000
5 years 162 days ago
I know it will take longer for me to gain XP being the highest lvl in Pro, but at least I can still win in this league.
medal 5000
5 years 162 days ago

I know it will take longer for me to gain XP being the highest lvl in Pro, but at least I can still win in this league.

oh ok, so what I`m hearing you say is that automatic expulsions would prevent you from accumulating more wins among low level managers while in pro....  

You fear not being able to compete against higher level managers than you if promoted to elite....yet you have no issues being the higher level manager beating on lower level managers in pro....   Tell me that you see the irony here. 
medal 5000
5 years 162 days ago
Lol I like it.

Is it possible for drivers to be relegated from elite when there aren’t enough in pro level?
medal 5000
5 years 162 days ago
I'm trying to remember when were automatic expulsions first implemented and why. I think at that time it was because there were quite a number of inactive league hosts and inactive teams were clogging up the spots especially in rookie?

I agree that different leagues have different needs, so I am for giving hosts the power to choose whether to enable or disable automatic expulsions. The league's needs should come first in my view. Some leagues have the issues of inactive host and inactive teams, others have the issue of getting enough managers for promotion, so there should be options which can help these different leagues.
medal 5000
5 years 162 days ago (Last edited by Derferik Derf 5 years 162 days ago)
I'm trying to remember when were automatic expulsions first implemented and why. I think at that time it was because there were quite a number of inactive league hosts and inactive teams were clogging up the spots especially in rookie?

I agree that different leagues have different needs, so I am for giving hosts the power to choose whether to enable or disable automatic expulsions. The league's needs should come first in my view. Some leagues have the issues of inactive host and inactive teams, others have the issue of getting enough managers for promotion, so there should be options which can help these different leagues.

That's it !  The needs are different according to the leagues.  For my league, we are very active in Elite but a little less in Pro and Beginner.  Automatic expulsions have rapidly reduced the number of Pro and Beginners ... So the assets in these categories have been stuck without being able to go up.  They had to go elsewhere ... Often with regret because they liked our league.  We are running at 10pm ... Not everyone wants to ride at 10pm but some yes !!  Before the automatic expulsions, our league was full and very alive, in spite of some inactive ones that did not bother anyone.  Automatic expulsions have gradually weakened our league ... 15 Elite / 4 Pro / 0 Beginner
It's the same for most leagues !!
medal 5000
5 years 162 days ago
Perhaps automatic expulsions should only take place in Rookie level.

The league i'm in Elite has 14 / Pro 6 / Rookie has 2 (last season the Rookie started with 9 managers)
medal 5000
5 years 161 days ago
A lot of leagues are in the same boat Andrew.
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