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Youth Experience

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medal 5000
5 years 161 days ago
I just wondered if this would be a good idea. 

Foe example you have 2 main drivers already but you have got 2 youngsters from your youth system . 

At the moment we just train them but obvs experience stays low.  I wondered if a different option could be there for training by entering them into another series(not one we control)

For example.ple into go karts, f3, f2 or touring cars. Each level costs more as you go and each season they do gets more experience.  The amount of experience can be limited as they still need exp in f1 

Just an idea
medal 5000
5 years 161 days ago
If you want them to gain experience, then you could enter them into the quick races, although this will cost you damage to parts and engine.
medal 5000
5 years 160 days ago
There are a few training leagues out there.  
medal 5000
5 years 155 days ago
Do quick races
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