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Red star driver

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medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago
Can anyone direct me to info on what's happening when the driver gets to red five stars skill level please? I have seen it somewhere yet the forum is not easy to find anything
hank you
medal 5000 Super Mod
5 years 130 days ago
THe star rating that is used by this game is a representation of the difference between your manager level and the level of the staff member or driver you are viewing.

The driver gets to five red stars when you have trained him/her to the same level as your manager level. You can continue to train but the progress bar will only increase by 3% for each press of the training button. When you next level up the stars will revert to 4.5 or 5 yellow stars and training progress will increase again.
medal 5000
5 years 130 days ago
Ah OK thanks I have it now all. Cheers
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