Rob Welsh medal 5000 11 years 329 days ago
Seriously...another race another wasted hour! This time spent an the whole race waiting for java to load...it did eventually work but only for the last lap! YAY
Every race it either does this, or crashes or freeeeeeeeeeezes or rewinds and plays and rewinds and plays ( a particular favourite) or reloads.
Is there no end to this?
I would just like to have one good race this season.
IRon F1 Master league

Josh Dixon medal 5000 11 years 329 days ago
Try updating or re-installing java, hopefully that will fix it.

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 329 days ago
Or use a different browser. On my Windows, both Firefox and Chrome work fine, but on my Macbook, only Safari works and Chrome does nothing.

Vicente Salas medal 5000 11 years 329 days ago
Same here, if you're using a Mac, just run it on Safari or it won't do anything.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 329 days ago
Rob, Some people have had an issue where there was more than one version of Java on their machine. If you have tried what Josh and Jaap suggest & it is still not working, please post again here

Vicente Salas medal 5000 11 years 329 days ago
I suggest give it a try and "spectate" another race an hour or 2 before going to your race... that helped me figure out all the bugs before I needed to be managing...