Jack Leslie medal 5000 13 years 82 days ago
I am just being nit picky here but the 2D visuals could be tweaked abit to make it look more realistic. Also the chat could be smoother and sometimes my posts on the chat do not post for some reason.
Also maybe more information buttons to find out what some of the things do, some do not and it can be a tad confusing for beginners.
That is all, keep up the good work!

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 82 days ago
Do you have any specific suggestions about how to make the 2D more realistic? There is a fairly large list we have of specific updates we have in mind for the visuals for the 2D. Right now the issues I am most concerned about are several places where the racing line is wrong and the cars are sometimes driving off the track, etc. But there are many other things we will be doing such as displaying car icons instead of circles (although you will be able to chose the original circle icons if you prefer).
When you say the chat could be smoother, do you mean the text could be smoother, or are you talking about the window, or something to do with the animation?
You mention that sometimes your chat doesn\'t send. There was a bug that was fixed a couple of days ago that was causing some chat messages not to send. So have you had this problem within the past couple of days?
Thanks very much.

Jack Leslie medal 5000 13 years 82 days ago
Oh right thanks for informing me on the chat bug, i meant the window itself as sometimes when the larger time board comes out it shifts the chat screen around abit? Maybe you could use that larger data screen as an option instead of opening randomly?
That was one of the things, racing line, i was wondering about but also just more detailed graphics and maybe zooming in abit more to see where cars are as often i could not see my car due to it being right behind someone elses, it would also let you see overtakes etc :)
It is a great game though and those are only me nit picking the game play abit
hope that helps

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 13 years 82 days ago
You can zoom in by double clicking? But the overtakes arent that great yet because all the cars are running on a rail instead of using there own lines. But this is prob what there looking into?

Jack Leslie medal 5000 13 years 82 days ago
Yeah i know you can zoom by clicking twice but i meant further in so you can see the cars seperated, yes they are probably doing that and looking into it :)

Dean Boy medal 5000 13 years 82 days ago
if you have a rollerball mouse, it seems to zoom right in, i suspect you havent done this, as teh available zoom i get is more than sufficiant....
although, agree, overtaking seems daft....as does some of the racing lines.

Jack Leslie medal 5000 13 years 79 days ago
I also think that there should be maybe 5-7 races you can have free trial to the 2D as it kinda sucks if you can not afford it to just watch 3 out of 19 or whatever races..