Marche Edney medal 5000 11 years 312 days ago
Ok my design are on 2A,B,C, etc... its also taking me 60 designer to get one design to level in one day... also im only getting 2% for this and next season..
Now my brothers account.. he's design are on 3A,B,C etc.. for him to level desigin in one day, he has only 35 for one design . Also hes design are going up by 3% and 5%.
why is that? when my designs are lower but taking more then hes design when they are higher?

Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 312 days ago
3A, B, C etc or 2A, B, C, the number only indicate the season i.e. if its ur 8th season, ur components will be named 8A, B, C etc. it has no effect on design, just a numbering system if you like.
Reason why ur only getting 2% for next season is probably because ur components for the current season are very high

Marche Edney medal 5000 11 years 312 days ago
oh yes i know that it means the season i was just giving the example... but ok thanks

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 11 years 312 days ago
Basicly designing a 100% car for next season will hurt your development during that next season. Don't know exactly where the tipping point is but in my experience designing to 70% is very well possible without hurting development. Might as well be higher but never tried that.