Sinuhe Alvarez medal 5000 11 years 302 days ago
Hi everyone
I wonder if you could help me, I have both pictures (profile and team logo) in .PSD, is that a problem? I've tried with other common formats but it doesn't seem to load any of them. When i click choose file the window opens, I choose the file click open but nothing happens, template is still grey and "save all" button is grey too.
I would apreciate very much any help you can provide me. Thanks in advance...

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 302 days ago
Maybe try a different browser.
I'm pretty sure .psd won't work, but a jpg around 200-500kb should work.

Sinuhe Alvarez medal 5000 11 years 301 days ago
Yes, psd doesnt work, i converted to jpg and it worked. i think i'm having a bit of delay in some of the features of the game with chrome. No that is gonna stop me for playing..
Thank you very much for your answer..

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 11 years 301 days ago
Yeah we definitely do not support psd files (and I don't know any website that will). It needs to be a JPEG, GIF, PNG or BMP file. JPEG is the preferred format.
Was there no error message? It sounds like I'll need to add one.

Sinuhe Alvarez medal 5000 11 years 301 days ago
Sorry I thought it will support psd, i didnt know..but yes, there was no error message..it showed the name of the file but not the actual picture, and after reloading the page it will appear "no chosen file" again, it was happening for both profile and team logo picture.
Thanks for the help, now is working fine and i can see my pictures..
PD: congratulations for the game, I believe is one of the best of all, defenetly the best I've ever tried..thank you so much for all your work towards developing and making this game better even better..