Syed Hafizullah medal 5000 11 years 299 days ago
I have been comparing supplier's performance for fuel,engines,etc..i just wanted to know which supplier is best for each catergory..

bald dreamer medal 5000 11 years 298 days ago (edited 11 years 298 days ago)
FR Michigan $28,000
Adhérence 7
Elasticité 5
Plage de fonctionnement 6
FR Elves $30,000
Performance 6
Economy 6
JP Toy motor $560,000
Refroidissement 5
Puissance 5
MoteursFiabilité 6
Réponse 6 Rigidité 9
Economie de carburant 9
Poids 89kg
may be we can sher?