Pablo Casas medal 5000 11 years 296 days ago
How can i know or calculate the tire degradation in a race?
My Tecnical director tells me the Gas consumption, but the only info i have on tires is if the Tyre Wear is "high", Very High" or "Average"
Thanks for your help!

Nick Greene medal 5000 11 years 295 days ago
Look at your past races to see how much tire % you lose per lap.
Do a little math to figure out % lost per KM, and should give you an estimate on tire wear/KM.

James Young medal 5000 11 years 295 days ago
Tire degradation (or more accurately, the wear rate) isn't linear. A full tank of fuel is harder on the tires than a light load. Assuming you don't change push levels throughout a stint (which is generally faster over a race), you might use 8% of the life on the first lap after stopping, and 3% on the lap before you stop. It starts high and tapers off as the fuel is consumed (which makes the car lighter).

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 11 years 295 days ago
Not only fuel, but tires are made of layers, which are of different durability. The last layers are more durable, to prevent tires to explode or shred, but they provide less grip.