Darrell Chasse medal 5000 11 years 285 days ago
It's pretty obvious (and unrealistic) that most of the teams in the league sign the same, top-paying sponsors. Why not have sponsors be limited to one team, and to make up for the fact there'll be tons of teams, eliminate the associate sponsorships and instead let teams sign the sponsor as one big package deal that would cover the engine, rear wing, etc. Sponsors are available each season on a first come first serve basis.

Hank Scorpio medal 5000 11 years 285 days ago
I think the issue with that is it becomes self limiting. Even if you were to do that on a league by league basis you could potentially have to figure out 96 different sponsors. And if you mean to do this over the whole game population base you're talking thousands. This also removes two aspects of the game. Firstly it takes away the dynamic negotiating with sponsors for different places on your car which is a part of playing the game. Secondly it diminishes the attractivness to the actual sponsors who are investing in iGP to see their brands get exposure to all players as often as possible. Take away that incentive for real sponsorship and you remove a necessary revenue stream for the developers to support the continued work on this excellent game.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 285 days ago
Yes the devs are actively seeking real life sponsors for the game - the more of those we get the better.

Darrell Chasse medal 5000 11 years 260 days ago
I know you're concerned about maximizing user exposure to sponsorship...could you list each team's sponsorship in the results/lineup?
Also, some ideas for "fake" sponsorships until you get more real ones:
-Sturbucks ( "Starbucks" )
-Wahoo! ( "Yahoo!" )
-Locust ( "Lotus" )
-Go Mamma ( "Go Daddy" )
-Bullseye ( "Target" )
Just a thought

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 260 days ago
Well it's true that now sponsors are not really a game element but merely an element of work. Everybody does the same thing, and all cars have the same sponsor.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 260 days ago
Some good ideas there Darrell. I like the idea of having lots of sponsors to choose from. As the game develops this probably will change anyway, and there won't be such a bias towards certain ones.

Greg Broz medal 5000 11 years 260 days ago
It is not just suggesting names of possible sponsors, but logos as well to go on the car. Creating the logo takes time. Unless some board members here are good with what ever program Jack and Andrew use for creating/importing logos, it would just be 1 more thing that takes time away from slightly more important issues.

Tony Earl medal 5000 11 years 260 days ago
If Jack and Andrew could to let members lnow what format they would want potential logos in , I'm sure there are plenty of managers out there who would spend time creating a Name and Logo.
In fact why not even run a competion. Say top ten best suggestions get a reward, a 1yr subscription or reward points say.
Members would then feel that they had helped develop this game in some small way.
Only an idea.
Keep up the hard work.

Mark Smith medal 5000 11 years 230 days ago
Love that idea Tony. Have a few ideas if we can set up a competition??