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Engines not re-stocking

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medal 5000
11 years 250 days ago
Last night, I asked for the engines to be re-fitted for Spa, as it's best to have a fresh engine. Though it keeps saying I have 0 engines and it's been saying this ever since Valencia. So for Spa I had old engines and I have still to recieve my next set of engines.

Not having my championship screwed cause this game won't give me new engines.
medal 5000
11 years 250 days ago
I am assuming you haven't used all your engines? You get 10 engines per car for every 20 races I think.
medal 5000
11 years 250 days ago
Yet I have 0 engines in stock and had to use 1 race old engines at Spa.
medal 5000
11 years 250 days ago
I passed this along to have it investigated on the development side, rather than having you submit a ticket.
medal 5000
11 years 249 days ago
That is it, you guys had your chance, give me my money back. Not providing the service that you SHOULD be providing, I will take further actions if I am not refunded for having to endure this joke of a game.
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