Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5176 5 years 52 days ago (Last edited by
Yunus Unia Blunion 5 years 52 days ago)
i am quite sure thegame ranks the league based on strength and gives the starting advantage to teams it would predict are far behind with their HQ, car and/or driver skills. He confirmed even HQ was far below mine.
Hi Luke, I'm not sure what you're speaking of here. Can you discuss more on why you say this? Because this isn't the case.
The headquarters has no impact on development of a car's next season design (or in other terms, the car design that is present at the start of a new season).
why dont you get some data to support it?
That would be a conflict of interest for employees of iGP Manager. We can't reveal the inner workings of the game — if we do, then it ruins the aspect of learning the game. We want you as a player to figure these things out, or ask other players for help to lead you in the right direction.
So instead of speaking down to me condescendingly, perhaps you should try to understand my info as opposed to my experience here.
I'm not sure where you were spoken to condescendingly. You have players in here giving you good information, but it seems you don't want to accept those answers. Is there any reason you aren't willing to entertain their answers before rejecting them? I think you should slow down for a moment and consider the advice being dispensed.
I see you are very experienced, but dont mistake experience for knowledge ... i have knowledge of the intricacies of coding manager games and you were simply appointed a role which has no bearing on the game itself
I am not sure why you mention this. iGP Manager isn't like other manager games and is unique. There is no global formula between other race management games that link to success or better performance in races.
Its very frustrating to be told to stay quiet after spending time and money to come to a conclusion, and, instead of someone talking reasonably, i get told to shutup and dont question anything. Good job guys, I'm sure admin appointed you for that (sarcasm)
I don't see where you were told to stay quiet. I know you're frustrated that you've spent money and you feel like you haven't gotten your value's worth. As of right now, what I see is players writing here trying to inform you are misunderstanding something and also trying to help you understand the topic you created this thread for, but you refuse to take their advice.
Lastly, Jose works as a community manager for iGP Manager. This doesn't mean he doesn't know the game. He has other responsibilities which aren't public-facing that require him to maintain up-to-date knowledge on the intricacies of the game. I hope that helps clarify that his role isn't
just that of any assumptions you may have about what a community manager does.