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Race start with rain conditions

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medal 5000
5 years 91 days ago
Què has intentat fer?
Yesterday 4-XII-2019 I did a setup for all the race with Full Wed in Montmeló (Barcelona). Setting a pit stop in 11-18-18-19. Advanced strategy activated in conditions: if rains 0.0mm use Intermedium.

Què ha succeït en el seu lloc?
At the race start it was rainning 3.8mm. The qualify of my drivers was in Intermedium.
At the race start, in the live-race, two minutes before start I decide to set a change of tyres from Inter to Wed and put full fuel on the cars. I mean, before start the race, my drivers where going to boxes in first lap(flashing).
Surprise in a few moments after, still before the race my drivers where wearing Wed tyres and the start fuel was for 19 laps. I cancelled the pit stop (flashing).

Sobre quina connexió ha succeït el problema? Quan s'usa la Wi-Fi, les dades mòbils o en ambdues?

On ha tingut lloc el "bug"; en l'app, en el PC o en ambdós?

Quin sistema operatiu té instal·lat el teu PC?

En quin navegador has tingut el problema?

Es pot reproduir el "bug"?

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