Mustrum Ridcully medal 5004 11 years 280 days ago
I did 3 test run with no driver feedback. Someone can help me?

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 280 days ago
The feedback has been disabled due to instability issues.

Mustrum Ridcully medal 5004 11 years 280 days ago
is there some idea when it is going to be up again?

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 11 years 280 days ago
Do you mean the feedback the driver gives to increase or decrease certain values after a test run is not appearing?
I think you're both talking about two different things. Jake means the lap times from test runs are disabled, but I think the OP means his setup guidance is not showing.

Mustrum Ridcully medal 5004 11 years 280 days ago
Yes, i mean the feedback the driver gives to increase or decrease, not the lap times.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 11 years 280 days ago
What browser and version number are you using? I just emulated your account and tried it for myself, and it worked in Google Chrome.

Mustrum Ridcully medal 5004 11 years 280 days ago
Im using now Google Chrome too, version 27.0.1453.110, but first time with this issue was this morning and i used Firefox, i dont know what version.

Mustrum Ridcully medal 5004 11 years 280 days ago
Well, trying again and now it works...4 of 5 laps wasted lol
Anyway, thanks for the help.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 279 days ago
sorry for confusing things - doh!