Eric Dias medal 5000 11 years 245 days ago
How is motor home useful? Does it make a boost on finances or something like that?
Is it worth for a level 4 team?
Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 245 days ago
personally I dont see what its good for
Greg B medal 5000 11 years 244 days ago
It all depends on if you attend the races or not. If you are in a league where you set strategy adn then can't be there for teh race, then the motor home is not going to work. As for boosting finances, just read the description under the item
Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 244 days ago
It has its uses.
eg better deals with sponsors, makes your driver/team happier so they work better - it all adds to the mix.