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Searching Pilot T20, lvl 5-6

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medal 5000
5 years 60 days ago
Good evening at all, i'm searching for a driver with talent 20 and lvl 5 or 6 ( in two days i'll be lvl 7 so also 7 is good ).
If you have one and are willing to give it to me, please send me his link via e-mail, for avoiding the infamous "driver thieves" xD
medal 5319
5 years 57 days ago (Last edited by Jörgen Walravens 5 years 57 days ago)
I think that T20 at lvl 5 or 6 is not posible.
And you only can buy lvl 7 when you are lvl 7, not before you realy are. 
medal 5000
5 years 57 days ago

I think that T20 at lvl 5 or 6 is not posible.
And you only can buy lvl 7 when you are lvl 7, not before you realy are. 

All talent 20 drivers from any Academy are level 5 or 6 at the start of their career so it's possible :)
medal 5000
5 years 57 days ago
I think that T20 at lvl 5 or 6 is not posible.
And you only can buy lvl 7 when you are lvl 7, not before you realy are. 

Well, like aka mf said, it's possible but they are quite rare to find. Yes, i know about the level cap but, at the time i wrote the first message, i was only 100xp ( one race ) away from that level so yes, i was a bit early ???

I think that T20 at lvl 5 or 6 is not posible.
And you only can buy lvl 7 when you are lvl 7, not before you realy are. 

All talent 20 drivers from any Academy are level 5 or 6 at the start of their career so it's possible :)

^^ this!

By the way, in about two races i'll be level 8 and i'll find someone with a T20 lvl8 pilot avaiable for the purchase, imho.
When i'll reach that level, i'll redo the request!
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