Mark Dunlop medal 5000 11 years 274 days ago
HI there I have been playing now for a few months now and I have a couple questions......#1 - So why is it when I have payed for a Weather Station.....all I have in Game is only info for current day and next 4 days ? What is the point of having payed for a Weather Station.....when I see no Benifet....all I get in Race is a stupid Thermometer wich realy doesn't seem to give me any advantage ............... #2 -So why is it in Training I can't see what benifet training will be till after I click on what training I would like to Choose in header....then it is to late....should I not have the opption to see what training will benifet my driver when I move the mouse over each choice in Graffic...IE...Speed ....Physical...Technical....Defending....Attacking.....Mental...... before I make my choice? #3 - Why is it when one or both of my drivers enters pits the whole world knows well before I actually enter the pits in the header ? , and why does it post what tires I change to in the header...where is the Suspence or challenge to that .......Thanks for your time........( sorry for spelling mistakes )....but u will get my drift

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 274 days ago
Mark, with regard to your 1st question, you are correct, when the weather is dry there isn't much to be gained from having the weather facility. When the coditions are wet or changeable however you will you find it of great benefit.
#2: There will be a list of which attributes are trained by which category on the forum. It will train the lowest attribute first.
#3: perhaps you could make a suggestion in the forum for how you would like that to be.
Let me know how you get on

Greg Broz medal 5000 11 years 274 days ago
#1 The weather station is supposed to give you advance weather notice while you are at the track. You can set it from 1 minute to 5 minute advance notice. As Edwin noted, it is good for possible changing weather during the race, but not very useful otherwise. That is also not a thermometer in the race, it is track wetness.
#2 Edwin already noted this. Thogh I see your point. It might be nice to know, as a hint what would be trained if you were to click on a particular category, BUT don't give away the farm. For example, if you hover over "Attacking" it shows aggression and bravery and nothing else. If you click on it then it shows you trained "aggression (+1), bravery(+1), overtaking (+1). This way it is just a hint, you have no idea how much it will improve just that the hint is part of the whole.
#3 There is nothing wrong with this. I am sure real F1 teams are monitoring other channels for communication as it is easy for us the viewers to listen to the team communication. The tire issue.. have you seen the real F1 tires the past few years? There is no way to hide what you are putting on the car with those colored sidewalls, plus in the 2D viewer you can not only see what compound your opponents are running but how hot they are.