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how pilots are priced?

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medal 5000
5 years 55 days ago
I see high prices for pilots with very low levels and skills.
When I sell pilots level 18~20 I do not get half of prices announced for pilots at level 3 or so.
Anyway, does the pricing is randomly fixed by apes?
Cuz I know prices are limited to each one's related current level, however, even though it does not reflect the attributes.

I am getting confused also with car worse than mine, with pilots worse than mine, with questionable tires strategies who are putting 1sec over me each lap.

Does the game has any glitches that I am not informed of?

Seriously, it is such a nice game, but the bidding for pilots and the very stupid valuation of stuff makes it very annoying (like 5% of health is worth around 2 coins while engines and pieces are worth 1 coin, and sometimes higher level staff unfolds way worse than low level ones)

Really, I've playing since July/2019 and after almost 6months I just think the robot is extremely randomly set. Patterns and strategies became futile once you cannot prospect predictions outta strategies. If I wanna it random outcomes from strategic behavior I would download some roulette game...

Does anybody can help me out here? I really wish to understand the pattern so I can formulate long term strategies to compete with high performance...but I am getting really pissed with the game and thinking about stop playing once it for all if I do not find minimal predictions from my strategic actions.
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