Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 268 days ago (edited 11 years 268 days ago)
I assume you are annoyed with the vagaries of the weather and not with a fault in the system?
I assume also you want to have a fixed weather system that is not tied into reality. This has been discussed before and the majority opinion was to have it as realistic as possible. The rain affects everyone equally.
There are faults within the setup of the system.
1. The only time you get any sort of notice of a change is in the 2D. Until then, it's re-freshing the page find out if it has changed or not.
2. Something isn't right when lockdown triggers the weather to change.. or do you think that it was legit that exactly 9.20pm bst. (Lockdown.) It stopped raining in Auz ?
Something is at fault there.. The weather system from the ones iGP pay or iGP's way of how they impliment it into the game.
3. The new inters have been a blessing. They work fantastic now and it's great to see that a new strategy has been introduced... the main downside is if you miss the race. You have no choicebut to go softs or hards then straight to full wets...
4. The hot / cold issues are still there.. It's summer in main land EU.. but it won't be like that forever and we'll be back to the winter blues around Monaco again. It's better to look into it sooner rather than later.
I made a full post about an "In house" weather system that is fully random with % of varied weather that can be triggered.. So no one will ever know properly if it will change or not.. but you'll be able to get better reports / analysis / effects to the cars and millions of other ideas.. and you write it to work with the game and not how it is now and around the weather...
If I understand correctly. iGP pay to have the weather system.. even if it's free. iGP devs can't say.. "Hey guys. This isn't working with our game.. Can you change your scripts around so we can use it in such a way." No.
If they have their own, then they are the ones who implement it to work with all the other parts of the game.
You can put a % of weather in "Old Hat" rFactor 1 and you don't know if and when it will rain during the race... you can add 10% chance if you wish.. it's still up to rFactor if it wants to trigger it or not.