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Time lost on pits

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medal 5000
11 years 235 days ago
I lost my today's race inside the pits (I was 2nd), we had same pit strategy, 3 for each, and my laps during race were a little bit faster than the winner's laps, but analyzing my total time lost in pits, and his total time lost, he lost about 3~4 secs less than me on each stop, even though the pit work was about 5 secs for everyone.

Some clue about why that happened?
This is the race result:
medal 5000
11 years 235 days ago
Maybe you were held in the pit box due to others in the pit lane going past you?
medal 5000
11 years 235 days ago
Clark, that was not the case, I made my first pit while I was the leader, then all other pits where in second and returned second too... I really am curious in find out what made me lose so much time.
medal 5000
11 years 235 days ago
Without watching the race it's difficult to say what happened.

Some people push very hard on the in and out laps. If you watched the race, do you think this happened?

In the past I've gained a lot of time really pushing on the in and out laps.
medal 5000
11 years 235 days ago
That's really weird... Nor me or the winner have KERS, and I did all the race pushing 4/5 or pushing hard 5/5, because we don't have so much problem with tire temperature
medal 5000
11 years 235 days ago
People get raped all the time in the pits Eric. I've seen a driver in the past enter the pits in 1st, and leave them in 24th, losing approximately 15-20 seconds worth of time.

In the pits there is traffic. If heaps of people pit at once, you're basically screwed if you are a high number (or the first person to enter)
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
Training your crew, and at what level they are, also has an effect on pit time.
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