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Reward Points?

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medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
Hello all - not sure if this is the right place to be posting, but I have an issue with receiving reward points. I recently bought a subscription with the hope of using the reward points to replenish my driver's 37% health, and to help out my friend that introduced me to iGP in the first place. After using his referral code, I payed for the subscription through PayPal a few days ago. Any help on that front would be great. 

Side Notes - In my first race, my drivers were 2 laps down. In the subsequent two races, they have been one lap down; and in every race once they cross start/finish after the leader, the icon has been eliminated from the screen. I know this is a small thing, but I would like to see my drivers finish the race if possible. 

Last one - My friend that I referenced earlier has had recent trouble with car design updates. The designers told him that a front wing, rear wing, and suspension would be ready today (June 16) - but his report this morning only gave a front wing update, and now gives dates of June 17 and June 21 for the rear wing and suspension. 

I'm very new and love the service, just hoping these issues can get sorted. Thanks!
medal 5000
11 years 234 days ago
Probably logging a ticket with the help desk is your best option for paragraph one - and also with paragraph 3 if nothing has appeared by tonight.

I understand your comment in paragraph 2 but the game has always 'ended' when your driver crosses the finish line no matter how many outstanding laps there are.

Glad to hear you enjoy the game and hope these issues do not distract you from the fun.
medal 5000
11 years 231 days ago
The support team was able to sort it out, thanks for pushing me in the right direction Jake
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