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This bug is my end.. but still need some help.

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medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
I use IE for this account and something recently has made iGP messy for me.

I am 99.9% sure that it's my end..

The drop down boxes are a pain atm as most of the menus hide being some of the boxes.. It's also pushed things together and out of alignment.

Anybody know of this issue and how to solve it?

Thanks in advance.

Screen shot of the issue.

medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
Sonny, which version of ie are you running?
medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
IE 10. I'm just checking for an update. It's that or it could be the swap to IE10 that has caused it and I've just not put 1 and 1 together.
medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
maximize the window or run in compatability mode or if you are in compatability mode, turn it off
medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
OMFG.. Nag. If you see something bright red in the sky.. it will be my face from the embarrassment.

I've just looked in the tools and saw that the compatibility view was ticked... I've just unticked it and it fixed it. I have no idea why that was suddenly switched on.

Thank you for the help.

Issue sorted. Please delete this thread.
medal 5000
11 years 232 days ago
lol no probs
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
11 years 231 days ago
Don't sweat it, this thread might help other IE users searching for a solution to the same thing in future. :)
medal 5000
11 years 231 days ago
Yeh Sonny very embarrasing for you but heaps of help for others who may be having the same problem.
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