Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 263 days ago
Is there a way of stopping new leagues being created?
New people sign up with 3 or 4 mates and then create a league, spam the forums about it and they sit race after race with only a few in that league... When they could/should be populating leagues that are already there..
One way that could stop new leagues popping up all over the place is for a minimum requirement of managers.. If they do not have enough members. The season does not start.
I don't know the best way to stop new people creating league after league.. but something should be done about it.
Personally. I would have it for Subscribe members only.. Thus to encourage managers to subscribe to iGP.. but as it stand. Anybody can sign up. Create a league and they don't even have to be in that league...
Also.. With the issues that is going on with the system as it stands.. The more league there are, the more the Devs have to sort out.
What is the point in 5 or 6 league all starting at 7pm when they could be pushed in to 2 or 3 leagues and have full races..
Is this not better for everyones experience ??
Any thoughts on this?

Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 262 days ago
Completely agree... but sometimes when new managers create leagues, it grows. When I created my third team, the league i joined was empty (the creator hadnt even joined it) it was just 6-9 of us till nearing the end of the first season more joined and even activated the promotion.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 262 days ago
You have to subscribe to create a league.
The ability to have a league just for you & your friends to race in, is one of the great things about this game. You can choose when to race, over which distance & with whom. The freedom this gives you is attractive isn't it?

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 262 days ago
No. Not really to be 100% honest. esp when you see league with less than 8 and running at the same time as others.. All you are doing is isolating yourself to the rest of the community.

Eric Dias medal 5000 11 years 262 days ago
Well, I prefer big and competitive leagues, but totally agree with Edwin's point.

Mark Baker medal 5000 11 years 262 days ago
People should be able to play whichever way they see fit, If you place minimum restrictions you will only drive potential subscribers away not to mention piss off existing subs who just want to play with their mates.

Ricardo Patrese medal 5000 11 years 262 days ago
I think an option could be that were 2 "type" of leagues: Friendly Leagues and Competitive Leagues (names could be others, call it what you want).
Friendly leagues (for friends and so on) would start even if there were just 1 team/racer/manager.
Competitive leagues would only start with a minimum of active managers (my preference - 16 for 1 driver team, 8 for 2 drivers team).
That way you'd know what are you taking part of...
What do you think?

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 262 days ago
Manuel. That isn't a bad idea.
iGP knows the peek times for leagues and users who log on... So what I would do personally is as follows. Which I know differs from what I said above.. but that was a general post.. this is what I would do.
(This is based on EU times, but will cover everyone around the world.)
Each set of times will have a 100% 75% and 50% race. (Busy leagues / times could have a system where once a league gets filled up to around 70%. A new league automatically opens up. This gives the chance for a group of friends to join 1 league.)
The times could be as follows. 7am, 8am and 9am... 11am, 12pm and 1pm... 3pm, 4pm and 5pm.. 7pm, 8pm and 9pm... 11pm, 12am and 1am... 3am, 4am and 5am...
This way. iGP will also get a break inbetween races and have periods where 0 races are happening and they have the chances to fix any issues, change anything they need and to overlook the whole game in a far better way.
Again with the kind of setup. Groups of friends can join a server and if spaces becomes limited within that league. A new one opens up and they all jump in to that one..

Ricardo Patrese medal 5000 11 years 262 days ago
Just another thing.
Why 32 cars leagues? Real F1 only has 22 cars, so why not have a max number of 24 cars per league?
Sometimes in a 32 one, 8 to 10 cars don't show up for race.
And the last ones, if they are always the same, desmotivate because they cant get or even fight for points...
In a 24 car max race, there are only 14 drivers out of points (slightly above 50%), instead of 22 cars (69% of total) !!!
Probably less cars/more leagues, but leagues would be filled up more quickly...
Instead of having some with 8 and others completely full...
Just a thought...

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 163 days ago
With the issues happening on the servers. I go back to something I talked about earlier.
Set times by iGP.. Times where they control the start times of the leagues and cater as many as possible to still suit as many as they can.
Each set of times will have a 100% 75% and 50% race. (Busy leagues / times could have a system where once a league gets filled up to around 70%. A new league automatically opens up. This gives the chance for a group of friends to join 1 league.)
The times could be as follows. 7am, 8am and 9am... 11am, 12pm and 1pm... 3pm, 4pm and 5pm.. 7pm, 8pm and 9pm... 11pm, 12am and 1am... 3am, 4am and 5am...
I feel that WE the gamer, would feel the benefits as a whole, when the devs can have more control over the game and also allow them to have "down time" to make changes that doesn't take affect during a race.
It could be a short term thing until iGP becomes more stable and then they could look back at making the leagues open again. 
Victor Cereijo medal 5000 11 years 163 days ago
Friendly leagues (for friends and so on) would start even if there were just 1 team/racer/manager.
Competitive leagues would only start with a minimum of active managers (my preference - 16 for 1 driver team, 8 for 2 drivers team).
I like that! but without incentives, why people will favor the competitive leagues if friendly ones are the same and can start with less managers?
There should be an incentive, for example, +40rep (like now) for competitive, and +20rep or +30rep (50% or 75%) for friendly leagues.
I like the idea about limiting the masive league creations, there are too many leagues ...

Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 11 years 163 days ago
Hounestly, why would you want auto will up leagues? That totally canges how the atmosphere in a league is, It would even up al leagues, in terms of level, and who would manage those leagues?
It just takes away the freedom you have t choose who you race, witch is in my eyes a great right

Eton Fed medal 5000 11 years 163 days ago
Hounestly, why would you want auto will up leagues? That totally canges how the atmosphere in a league is, It would even up al leagues, in terms of level, and who would manage those leagues?
It just takes away the freedom you have t choose who you race, witch is in my eyes a great right
Agreed. If the system was in place from the beginning, then maybe.. But I think it's too late now.

Ricky Buhl medal 5000 11 years 161 days ago
Could iGP not host a bunch of leagues - running to a set schedule - alongside the leagues created by players? It would give the choice (which I love about iGP) to the managers. To start the leagues, they could run a cup-style competition for managers who wish to take part to enter.. Or place managers according to ranking. Or just take over the Elite tier of each (consenting) league and the 'real competitive' leagues would be something we could strive for once we'd gotten to grips with the game..
The league (LOTUS) I am in lost about 8-10 managers (about 50%) to a splinter-group (The League) at the end of the season before last, incidentally the first season promotion places had become available in the league, both leagues have had managers come and go but most have remained as the "community" is kept relatively active - virtually nobody is friends in the literal sense of the word - iGP buddies maybe.. A full season on and Lotus had promotion places this year and will have a pro tier next season. The League recruited quite actively (Lotus does not) and gained enough members to now have a 2 team Elite league as well as a a dozen pros and 9 rookies going into the new season. Good competitive leagues take time to create and build up and those looking for them will generally find them or they will find you. I don't believe the game is about instant gratification.
Although I believe that the ideas are good and could indeed raise the level of the "average" league - I am where I am for the race time and my learning curve. I feel it would have to be something that ran alongside the current system and not replace it (as has been mentioned), so the "Friendly vs Competitive" sits well with me, combined with the suggestions of Mr. Musgrove. It may be too much to ask of the developers when considering the other things we want and what they're already doing though..