Hi Aldri, the maximum development levels in pro are higher than in rookie, so the starting values at season reset are also higher than in rookie. So yes, it could be normal, but if you want to be sure, you should tell us your car values and which supplier bonuses (engine, tyres, fuel) you use, then we can make a better judgement.
I'm using murk engine, beep fuel, and bridgerock tyres
after 4 races, I gain my design until these state of points:
60 acc
48 brk
14 coo
41 dwn
26 fue
44 han
28 rel
30 tyr
in those first 4 races, I have a 4 star research with lvl 9 TD, and switching back&forth with lvl 8 & 9 CD. My HQ allowed me to get a 7 design points a/ each race