nugroho ardiansyah medal 5000 5 years 14 days ago
How much poin design for cooling system,i think when i have 50 poin and 80 poin from cooling it still same decreasing affected for car not many different result i got after end race,?!?!why seem look just we use ss tyre and soft its look so very different on used machine,..where cooling sytem it work?!?!can someone explain?!?!
Joshua Johnson medal 5000 5 years 14 days ago (Last edited by
Joshua Johnson 5 years 11 days ago)
The cooling stat effects the rate of engine wear during the race. The higher the number, the lower the wear rate. It's overall effect is currently minimal.
Tim I medal 5000 5 years 14 days ago
I may be misreading this, but the cooling system does effect the tyres, it effects engine wear throughout the race.
Markus Burger medal 5000 5 years 11 days ago
When the heat is to high on the ss or an other tyre, u are to slow. And ure wheels go defect.
I tested this and 10 rounds with ss and super heat ure wheels are defect!
Joshua Johnson medal 5000 5 years 11 days ago
The cooling stat effects the rate of engine wear during the race. It has nothing to do with tire temps.