Ross Brawn medal 5000 5 years 37 days ago (Last edited by
Ross Brawn 5 years 37 days ago)
It's a bit early to say and I'm not a dev/programmer so this is just my theory.
First of all I think the only time we will see this imbalance is when the number of races changes between one season and the next. This is because the established teams start design appears to be calculated the same way it always has been which is based on the number of races in the previous season and the CDs that were active.
For whatever reason the devs appear to have coded it so that teams joining the league their initial design is based on the number of races in the coming season and their active CD when joining the league.
This is why we are suddenly experiencing this phenomenon because custom season lengths have only recently been introduced and for many leagues the previous season (on which the established teams design is based) is only 15 races and the new season (on which the joining teams design is based) is significantly longer.
As time goes on and some hosts REDUCE the season length the same logic will apply but the joining manager will have an inferior car.
Anyone joining a new league will need to know how many races were in the previous season to understand whether they will be advantaged, disadvantaged or neutral.
This also opens a little exploit for managers who understand this. If you are moving to a longer season length you should leave and rejoin your league to maximise your starting design. I have given this information in the hope that it means everyone will benefit rather than a few who have worked it out.
Anyway Ross in an effort to fully explain I have strayed away from your core question.
I mean does this give that manager an advantage for all seasons to follow?
If yes then I should kick the manager out of the league, to ensure fair racing in the league
... IMO for future championships the manager who benefited this season will not have an advantage as he/she will be treated like all of the other teams.
Of course, all of this would go away if the devs changed the code to make the calculation of design for a joining team be based on the number of races in the last season for the league they join.
I hope this helps
Thanks a ton for your brief explanation kevin. It helps a lot
Hi Ross,
No, there will not be any effect for future seasons.
The best you can do at this moment is asking everyone to leave and rejoin the league before the first race. It will give everyone a similarly highly developed car.
Also a warning: kicking a manager for this is not allowed, so please also remove the league wall message in which you say people who leave and rejoin will get kicked. If you do kick people who do not misbehave in any way, your rights to host a league can get removed.
There is a big flaw in the game, which may lead to unfair racing with huge advantage to newly joined managers
And as I host I tried to make the league a fair level playing field.
And here comes a super mod to warn me doing it ?♂️.
Who cares if my host is removed for this reason, it's not as valuable as u think.
I'm a webmaster by profession, I can only laugh at u trying to show me ur super mod powers