nope, inactive players are a waste of space on the servers
Long term, no. Al is right, they're nothing but a waste of space. You may have actual active players wanting to join but bc your league-tier is full, it won't allow anyone else to join.
Short term, Yes. When trying to maintain the minimum number of managers(13...I think) that makes your league visible to players using the League-Searching-filter.
Long term, no. They just take up space both in leagues and on the servers
Short term, no. There are better ways to make your league popular than by using inactive players. If someone joins a league only to find that it's full of I actives, they're more likely to either leave the league, or even worse, leave the game completely
I see. Thank you all for opening my eyes even more. It's been quite frustrating for many managers owning/being a part of leagues, advertising them heavily and not many joining them...along with many players getting automatically kicked at one stage, even though some were online just days before getting kicked.