Hi I tried looking for this but couldnt find in anywhere. Im wondering if staff will progress to a higher star rating as they get better for example my CD is 32 so when i hired him his talent and moral were both 19 but his experience was only like 5 now he has 20 experience but is still only rated at level 14 and 4 stars (im now level 16) and the CD that I can buy that have a better star rating (level 16) arent as good as the CD i have now in terms of stats and there strengths and weaknesses as well. Is there a way to make his level match what his stats are or will he be stuck like that till i sell him then they update and someone else gets a really good CD and i get stuck with a bad 1 thats got bad strengths and weaknesses? That would suck if thats the case. Drivers update so why dont staff?