Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 235 days ago (edited 11 years 235 days ago)
Is it right that of the 20 teams on the first page Hall of Fame, only 12 are actively racing?
Their ranking remains the same & their teams remain intact, ready for their managers to race with them again.
Some have left, some are on a break, some are on holiday, which is all fine, but is it right that they should continue to be ranked so highly, when some have not raced for more than 3 months?
For example, a drivers fitness would decrease without constant training. Their drivers remain at the peak of condition.
The drivers have either discovered the elixer of youth or have sold their soul to the devil & the teams remain frozen in time.
Perhaps there should be some sort of time limit on them to race again or face a general decrease in their ranking & expertise within their team?
What do you think?

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 11 years 235 days ago
Holiday/Break up to 90 days no penalty
After 90 days 5 rep points per day deduction for 90 days.
10 rep points per day next 90 days
After 270 days inactive status and automatic reset
after 360 days non paying subscriber account deleted, paying subscriber remains on inactive and rep at 5000

Ignatius B Corleone medal 5000 11 years 235 days ago
iLike Leslie's proposal

Josh Dixon medal 5000 11 years 235 days ago
I am in favour of Leslie's idea..

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 235 days ago
I like these ideas. :) +1

I T medal 5000 11 years 235 days ago
...Good proposal from Leslie. I would say 45 days for teams that still do login but they r not racing and 90 days for completely inactive teams...

Youen Vyme medal 5000 11 years 235 days ago (edited 11 years 235 days ago)
It should stay how it is I think. It's a hall of fame, names don't get removed from their chosen hall of fame in any sport just because they aren't currently competing.
Unless you ditch the hall of fame and make some kind of leaderboard system instead (where the positions are ranked based on the leagues rep and who won the previous season) but that could get ultra tricky and hard to do, I think. But I'm no expert.

Xavier Cloud medal 5000 11 years 235 days ago
Each respective manager earned their rank from past performances. To me they are entitled their position and the system should be kept as is. I can't say I would appreciate losing hard earned XP for taking a long break of the game.

Tim Blain medal 5000 11 years 235 days ago
Agree with the last couple of posts, why should people lose XP / setup / driver ability as a penalty for not playing... The correct questions surely should be, Why have these people stopped playing?

Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
Ooo good point there Tim

Dee Oldham medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
Agree with the last couple of posts, why should people lose XP / setup / driver ability as a penalty for not playing... The correct questions surely should be, Why have these people stopped playing?
I agree that the Title "Hall of Fame" implies past as well as current accomplishments. And thus the board should be split into current "leader board" and "Hall of Fame" What I don't get is why someone who has effectively abandoned the game would care about what xp or driver ability they have. After a year it is very unlikely that anyone would return to the game. Unless there were a major upgrade that greatly altered the gameplay. In that case, if it were me, I would want to start from scratch. The new design model that is due to be introduced this fall may very well qualify. And therefore make the current standings trivial. There are plenty of reasons to quit the game. Even if IGP had no glitches or bugs it is just not the kind of game that most would play for more than a year. My guess is that more than half of the people that start an account do not stick with it through one season. It just does not appeal to the masses. Only those with a social connection to other players will stay long term. And that mostly for the commaradery. Like people that get together to play cards.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
All good points and I am firmly on the fence about this one :D
Maybe in the hall of fame there should be a leaderboard as well.
And I argee with Edwin that drivers etc should deteriorate as in real life.

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
All good points and I am firmly on the fence about this one :D
Maybe in the hall of fame there should be a leaderboard as well.
And I argee with Edwin that drivers etc should deteriorate as in real life.
In that case so should the ones on the market.

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
Also in that case, you should be able to train them daily if you aren't in a league. It would make no sense otherwise. Drivers in real life can still go to the gym if they aren't racing.

Chris Louth medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
Another game I play (where you can join more than one season on one account) allows you to activate a holiday mode where you automatically leave every game you're in and lose some points on your world ranking.
That said, some of the bugs that have been in this game for well over a year now without being fixed, I think this idea would be a little too much for those in charge for implementing it.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
Why not just taken them out of the Hall of Fame after 60 days inactivity and if they come back. They go back in to the HoF with the same points.. It's the same team at the end of the day.. so it's just like putting them in to stasis / deep freeze ???
It's much simpler than building a whole new section when the devs have 101 other things they are working on.. It can be a short term thing and have the other points later on down the line?

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
It can be a short term thing and have the other points later on down the line?
More to the point - Why is this HOF dilemma even a problem? I really don't understand the point of this thread (no offense Edwin) other than the fact that maybe people have complained about Adam going inactive the race after he steals #1 in the HOF? He got there himself, so be it - I don't think it should be taken away from him just because he wants to have a couple of seasons off. It's nice to have a break once in a while, it's quite draining especially when you've been in a 7 day a week league for over a year almost never missing a race.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
My purpose is to draw attention to teams which are not actively racing, yet their team remains frozen in time & to ask whether this is correct.
I don't know the answer & neither am I saying it is right or wrong. Just thought it would be interesting to read what others thought about it.
Perhaps to have started this in suggestions was the wrong place.......(The irony of this given I am the mod is not lost on me)

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
I have moved it.
It would be interesting to hear from some people who are perhaps trying to get into the top 20. Do they think the current process is fair?

Arthur Akopyan medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
I do think it's fair, they deserved their place in hall of fame. They will eventually be moved down by managers gaining rep anyway, but it may become a problem when someone reaches 10 000 xp and leaves the game, that's when lowering reputation for being inactive will become reasonable.