Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 234 days ago
How exactly are they calculated ?
How can I have a 4-11% car and qualify 18th and be given a 5th place objective ?

Greg B medal 5000 11 years 233 days ago
I believe it is based on previous performance... either at that track or previous race. Someone else would have to clarify

James Young medal 5000 11 years 233 days ago
It's based on your previous race.

Yan Boo medal 5000 11 years 233 days ago
I have noticied that mines are with respect to previous race results.
Your objectives are to be improved compared to the very last one you got. The higher you finish on the last race the more your sponsors will expect from you, on the contrary if you had a bad result, the expectancies are lower (wich are easier to fill and to get good money).
I might be wrong, but that's how I would guess it works for me.
Enjoy the game,

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 233 days ago
Seriously.. no one is going to say anything about the profile name???

Ignatius B Corleone medal 5000 11 years 233 days ago
Looool... I jus laugh everytime i see it

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 233 days ago
Standards and morals... :(