Simon Melhuish medal 5000 11 years 221 days ago
I think this rule needs a tweak. The rule its self is fine, but as i found out today if you are blocked from racing the system issues you with a no show. So you gain no prize or sponsorship money. But it takes away your staff and driver payments.
This put me into debt today which i had to solve by selling my motorhome.
So my suggestion is to have a system where if you can not race due a league change then fee's should not be applied.

Jason Lee medal 5000 11 years 221 days ago
Yeah, you also get driver atrophy aswell even though they didn't compete lol.

James Young medal 5000 11 years 221 days ago
I agree this needs a rethink. If you change leagues any events in your new league within 24 hours of your last race should be non-entries (thus no driver atrophy, no lost races from staff contracts, no payments issued or income generated).

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 220 days ago
I agree and think this may be a 'sort of bug'.
If it isn't a bug then I don't see why it should be happening as it seems very unfair.
Simon - Log a ticket with the helpdesk and see if that will move it up the 'fix' list.