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switch to elite

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medal 5000
4 years 303 days ago
i just entered a new league together with a friend.
we want to race eich other, the problem is, he went to elite and i went to the pro.
were both the same level, so my uestion is could anybody move me up to the elite?
medal 5000 Moderator
4 years 303 days ago
I'll flag it to support but no promises as at moment your league isn't matching the rules, private friends and invitation leagues only in this case, for support to grant this. As your league is brand new you could still decide to make it private (just do it in time) and support might go with it in good faith that you'll stick with that decision.
medal 5000
4 years 302 days ago

Even if the request does not exactly meet the requirements, but given the small number of managers present, I will promote it in elite with your friend.
Have a good game.

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